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"Ryan?" Shane asked again after a few seconds passed by. His heartbeat was loud in his ears as he looked at the love of his life. The next words Ryan was about to say would either heal Shane or break him. 

"Of course I love you" Ryan choked out. He thought that much was obvious from the very first time he saw Shane. "I love you so much it hurts"

Ryan savored the warmth of Shane's hand cupping his jaw and looked into the taller man's brown eyes. His expression faded from pain to relief in an instant, a small but warm smile forming on his lips. 

Shanes exhale came out as a shaky breath. "Say it again" his voice was low as he begged. All the wounds were healing by hearing Ryan's voice those words, he needed more. 

Ryan's face flushed with warmth, but he refused to break eye contact. "I love you, Shane"

There was nothing more Shane wanted to do at that moment than kiss Ryan, but he refrained. The best person in the world just admitted to loving him, he didn't want to risk losing that. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Ryan and squeezed him tight.

It could've been a few seconds, it could've been an hour, neither of them knew.

"You're going to crush me" Ryan eventually laughed out. Shane mumbled an apology as he loosened his grip enough to back out and look at Ryan's face. Ryan ran his hands down Shane's arms, a feeling so familiar but foreign. It had been so long since they were this close, and Ryan's movements were shaky due to the uncertainty.

"Can we get off the floor now?" Shane asked, half-joking. Ryan laughed as he stood up, pulling Shane to his feet.

"Come on, Madej" Ryan's tone quickly shifted into work mode. "We have a lot to do today"

Shane smiled crookedly, missing the feeling of Ryan's warmth as he pulled his hand away. 

They finished packing after the momentary distraction and left the small house. Ryan made sure to flip it off before getting into the car, due to the fact he heard multiple entities say his name through the spirit box. 

Shane chuckled at the display and slipped into the passenger seat. The drive down to the hotel was different, but not awkward. Shane had to keep himself from smiling like a love-struck teenager the whole time. Ryan attempted to keep his eyes on the road but his gaze kept flickering to Shane. 

The word complicated kept going through his mind, flashing like a warning sign. It was a terrible feeling, to be pulled apart and torn between running to the person that gives you the most comfort while simultaneously causing you the worst pain. It was the price of being vulnerable, high risk, high reward. 

Shane was the person who made him the happiest, so it only made sense that he would also be the knife that cut the deepest. 

"Ry?" Shane asked, as Ryan's stare glossed over and he looked out the window like he was having an epiphany. 

"Yeah?" Ryan replied, startled. He regained his focus and dragged himself out of the pooling thoughts. 

"Are you alright?" Shane looked over at the shorter man with concern in his eyes. 

"Yeah, sorry" Ryan responded, running his hand over his face in an attempt to wipe away all his worries. "I just zoned out" 

Shane cracked a smile. "Does that haunted house still have you rattled?"

"No!" Ryan scoffed. "Well, maybe a little"

Shane laughed. "I don't understand why you're scared of these places"

"They kept saying my name! I know you heard those footsteps too" Ryan argued.

"You heard some creaky floorboards," Shane said with an eye roll. "And even if it was a ghost, what could they possibly do to you that I couldn't stop?" Shane responded with a small smile. That mark on Ryan's neck was a constant reminder of the promise he made to protect the human. 

Ryan couldn't help the blush that rose to his cheeks. "I don't know, but I'm not trying to find out"

Shane scoffed. "Sounds like a challenge"

"It is not" Ryan asserted. 

"No, I think the next haunted place we go into, I need to start a fight" Shane was smiling widely. "Just to prove to you I can protect you"

"You're impossible" Ryan laughed. "I guess I can't stop you"

"Damn right" Shane replied with his usual cocky attitude Ryan was so used to. 

It baffled Ryan that so much could happen, yet at the end of the day, they always returned to their old ways. It was comforting to know that no matter how badly he messed up, Shane was always there. 

"We never got to choose our song" Ryan reminded him as he turned on the radio. 

Shane leaned back and closed his eyes as he felt another wave of pain starting up. It was been almost a full week without another fit coming on, and he was long overdue. He squeezed his eyes shut and prayed Ryan wouldn't notice. 

"Your right" He forced out, attempting to keep his voice as nonchalant as he could. He bit down on his lip to distract himself from the shot of pain in his head. His powers instantly started acting up again, and Ryan's thoughts began echoing through his mind. 

Is this time going to be different? 

"Ryan" Shane crooked out as another white-hot shot of pain assaulted him. 

"Hmm?" Ryan asked, unassuming.

What if he leaves again?

"I need you to stop thinking," Shane said as calmly as he could. Even breathing was difficult.

"Stop thinking" Ryan raised one eyebrow. "Why?"

What is he talking about?

"I can hear you thinking, I can't stop" Shane explained as quickly as he could. His hands were shaking uncontrollably and the pain refused to stop.

"What?" Ryan looked over at Shane and saw him clutching his head in his hands. His leg was bouncing and he was staring at the ground with his eyes wide. "Are you ok?!"

Shane tried to say something, but he couldn't. Panic rose in Ryan's chest and pulled over to the side of the road. They were in the middle of nowhere, with no other cars around. He didn't know what to do, so he did what he always did. He looked to Shane for help. 

Please, I can't lose you

"I'm not dying, Bergara" Shane tried to sound carefree, but it came out strained. He didn't even notice the car stopping. 

"Shane?" Ryan asked, reaching over and feeling his forehead. He was burning up.

"I'll be... f-f-fi-" Shane tried to comfort Ryan, but his voice trailed off as he lost consciousness. 

"Shane? Shane, please wake up" Ryan shook him, but his efforts lead to nothing. He had no idea what to do. He leaped out of the car and ran to the passenger's side, throwing open the door to reach Shane. His breathing was getting slower by the second which made Ryan panic even more.

No, he scolded himself. He had to think logically right now, for Shane's sake. He reached into Shane's pocket and took out his phone. He knew taking Shane to a hospital wouldn't do anything, this was a demon issue. He searched through the contacts, hoping to find rose, the doctor that had helped Shane before. He couldn't find her, and Ryan continued to search for anyone that could help. 

The only person he knew was Ricky. It didn't matter how much Ryan hated him, he might be the only person that could help Shane right now. 

"Shane? How the Hell are you up this early?" Ricky joked as soon as he picked up the phone. 

"Ricky-" Ryan tried to say before he was cut off. 

"Nevermind that, how's that human of yours?" Ricky asked. He was in a good mood today since Tinsely hadn't come around to pester him. 

"RICKY" Ryan screamed. "Shane's in trouble, I need you to come here right now" 

His tone shifted quickly. "I'll be right there"

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