Recovery Period

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Shane stumbled into the overworld at an unknown location. He didn't feel the normal wave of relief but instead nearly doubled over. The pain was more intense than anything he'd ever felt and it was only getting worse with each excruciating second. The cool night was almost mocking with its calmness. It was just past 12 now, so there were still people milling about the streets. He got a few odd looks, but nothing major.

Everything seemed different and slightly off as he stumbled around, trying to collect his bearings. It looked like he was downtown, by the movie theater. His original plan was to go straight to Ryan, but he was way too much pain for that to be possible. 

He placed his hand on the brick wall, the cool of the night doing little to clear his mind. There was nothing more he wanted to do than get back to Ryan, but he could barely hold himself up.

He looked up into the night sky and saw a bright sign. A motel, perfect. He could just stay there tonight and first thing in the morning he would go straight to Ryan's. 

As he stumbled over to the hotel, periodically stopping to hunch over in pain, he kept himself distracted with thoughts of Ryan. What would he say when he saw Shane again? There were a million different possibilities, most of the negative. He still had to try. 

He entered the small lobby of the motel, noticing how bare the decor was. There were a few fake plants, a couple magaiznes, and a reception desk with a middle-aged woman leaning back on a coffee-stained chair. Her attention was zeroed in on the book she held inches away from her face and didn't notice Shane until he tapped the bell. 

She jumped slightly, then registered what was happening. Her large brown eyes seemed bored once the initial shock was gone. 

"Name?" She asked in a dry tone, her long nails making a satisfying tapping noise against the keyboard. Shane took a shaking breath and did his best to sound like he was fine. 

"Shane Madej" He breathed out, wincing slightly at the pain that shot through his lungs. 

"How long 'you stayin'?" She asked casually, not taking notice of Shane's discomfort.

"Just tonight," He said with certainty, leaning slightly on the reception desk to steady himself. The transaction was completed quickly enough and the woman tossed Shane the keys. He walked out into the night and started searching for his room. All the numbers seemed to blend together as another wave of sharp pain overtook him. All he needed to do was get into his room...

When he woke up again it was the middle of the next day. He didn't remember even making it to the room, but he was in bed, the clothes from the previous night still on him. The pain had subsided slightly but was still prevalent. 

"Ryan" he whispered to himself, remembering his mission. He still wasn't used to the overworld in the slightest, and his body was mimicking that uncertainty. Usually, the overworld made him feel better, but it seems like all the time he's spent there had finally caught up to him. 

He flopped back onto the bed, giving up momentarily. He closed his eyes for just a few seconds, but he was back asleep in an instant. His body needed time to heal and adjust to his new permanent environment. Even in his dreams, the pain persisted and it grew with each passing moment. It eventually got so bad he was sure he was dying. 

He groaned in pain, stuck in a state between consciousness and sleeping. He felt his wings emerge but he couldn't do anything to stop the transformation. His horns soon followed and he thought it would end there, but it got worse. He could suddenly hear all the thoughts of people in the surrounding area and he couldn't stop. He put his hands over his ears to protect himself from the deafening thoughts, but it was all in his mind. 

He Makes Me Happy (Shyan Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin