Not That Sorry

414 13 11

The movie was starting to take a turn for the supernatural. The once happy family was now being haunted by something, which resulted in many suspenseful moments. 

"Demons can't possess you unless you're pure of heart" A priest in the movie said with certainty. Ryan turned to look to Shane for confirmation, to which Shane shook his head. Many instances like that happened throughout the movie, and almost all of the facts were untrue. Humans sure liked to pretend they knew all about the spiritual world. 

Shane noticed Ryan getting tenser as the film went on. it was getting to the climax, where the majority of the jump scares would be. Shane pretended not to be waiting anxiously for these moments to appear, not because he was scared of them but because he wanted to how Ryan would react. 

The first jumpscare went by with little movement from Ryan. He simply tensed further than laughed it off. Shane absentmindedly went to grab some popcorn and brushed against Ryan's hand. He was annoyed by how much something that simple could make his heart race. 

He couldn't make up his mind if he wanted to pursue this... infatuation. On one hand, this was the happiest he's ever been with someone. Everything just fell into place but wasn't repetitive. On the other hand, was his promise to Ricky. Shane knew long-distance relationships didn't work, and being in different spiritual planes might just put a strain on it. 

This was all hypothetical of course, as Ryan was just as, if not more likely to reject Shane. Shane couldn't decide which fate would be worse. 

He pushed those thoughts to the back of his head and focused on living in the moment. overthinking was for Ryan, not him. 

The second jumpscare came, much more aggressive this time. Shane's prayers were answered, but it wasn't exactly what he envisioned. 

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST" Ryan screamed, grabbing ahold of Shane's arm with a death grip. His eyes went wide with fear, still staring at the screen. Shane couldn't control the laughter that ensued after. He was laughing so hard he had to gasp for air. It wasn't the romantic moment he had thought of, it was so much better. 

"Fuck you man" Ryan said, soon joining Shane in his laughing fit. Shane wiped a tear from his eye, still giddy. His cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling. 

"I'm- I'm sorry" He was finally able to choke out. 

After they finally calmed down, they finished the rest of the movie. Shane would still occasionally poke fun at Ryan for jumping, but nothing was nearly as funny. 

They walked out of the theater, Shane still smiling from the encounter. Ryan rolled his eyes at Shane's amusement but continued to joke with him. 

"I wonder why this place doesn't get any business, it's great!" Shane said, looking around the front desk area where they had purchased their tickets.

The theaters' owner stepped out, he was a tired man with deep bags under his eyes. Ryan thought he might be in his 60's. 

"It's because of the rumors" He explained, a thick southern accent could be heard in his gruff voice. You could tell he hated these 'rumors' by the tone of his voice. 

Shane and Ryan looked at each other, curiously in both their faces.

"They say" He continued, "That this used to be some burial ground. On our opening week there was some glitch that made a horror movie play when it was supposed to be a kids movie. They blamed it on a ghost" He finished with obvious destain. 

"Y'know, I'm kind of an amateur ghost hunter. Do you think I could have a look around?" Ryan asked, ignoring Shane's surprised look. He had some equipment in his car for ghost hunting. It had been a hobby back before he moved, and he hadn't really touched the stuff since. In his trunk was a spirit box, some more holy water, and a multitude of other random items. Most of them he wasn't even sure how to use. 

He had done his research on the various equipment and had found a lot of evidence. Now that Shane was here, Ryan figured he could just ask if ghosts were real, but he decided he wanted to see if he could find definitive evidence on his own.

Shane walked with him out to the car, after getting permission from the man to do some investigating. 

"I could just tell you-" Shane began, wanting to explain the spiritual world to Ryan. 

"Nope! I want to find out on my own" Ryan responded quickly, cutting Shane off. Shane shrugged in response and decided to let Ryan have his fun. Who knows, if there was a lack of activity Shane might just interact with the ghost hunting equipment himself. 

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