Mistakes Were Made

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Ryan held onto Shane as he lead them towards the dance floor. He was starting to feel a little tipsy, but nothing he couldn't control. 

The music was too loud to hear anyone talk, which was probably for the best. Ryan was apparently in an oversharing mood tonight and the chaotic atmosphere saved him from embarrassing himself any further. 

He closed his eyes and let the bass of the song ring through his head. He danced but always kept one hand on Shane. He would get too anxious if he lost him and ended up all alone at the party. 

Shane smiled widely as he saw Ryan get more comfortable with himself. He was laughing and dancing and smiling again, unburdened by all the hardships. They could ignore everything that was wrong at this moment, and just be in each other's presence. Shane didn't need anything more. 

Ryan started to feel a little tipsy after a while, then quickly he felt very drunk. His vision was off and he felt off-balance, but not in a bad way. He was letting go, he was enjoying himself. It was freeing to not have to worry about anything. He knew he was safe because Shane was there. 

Shane... he kept looking up at the taller man and smiling like a schoolgirl with a crush. Old emotions were resurfacing quickly and intensely. He pull himself closer to Shane as another song played.

The night went on and on and Ryan just kept getting closer. Minutes were flying by quickly until they realized almost 2 hours had passed. It was so easy to forget everything else and just stare into his eyes. For once, when he looked at Shane, he wasn't thinking about the rough past they've had, but instead, he was looking forward. 

There was nothing but possibilities ahead of them. They had a new show starting up, one where they traveled the world alone and invested ghosts. He would never have to feel unsafe in a haunted location again. 

The swirl of emotion only increased as he wrapped his arms around Shane's shoulder and sang along loudly to the song that was blaring. 

Shane chuckled fully as he placed his hands on Ryan's hips. They were moving away from the circle, and towards the quiet corner. 

"Hey, Shane?" Ryan asked once they were far enough away from the speakers to hear each other.

"Yeah?" Shane responded, looking down at Ryan. 

"I think I want to kiss you right now," He said, fidgeting with Shane's necklace. It was a reminded of his loyalty, even though all the shit that they've been through. His familiar warmth was too inviting not to try something. 

"I would like that" Shane sighed out before looking away. "But I don't think you really want to"

"What do you mean? Of course, I do!" Ryan exclaimed, straightening his back slightly to get closer to Shane's face. he cupped Shane's jaw in one of his hands as the other stayed on his neck. Ryan noticed that Shane had a slight stubble now. 

"No" Shane backed up. "You're really drunk right now, I think we should get you home" 

Ryan cocked his head to the side. "I don't understand... I thought you wanted me" He slurred as Shane lead him towards the door. It didn't make any sense, this whole time Shane had been nothing but flirty. But the second Ryan shows interest, Shane bails? 

"Yes, of course, I do," Shane said into the cold air. It was quiet outside except for the faint sound of the music still playing inside the club. Ryan clung to Shane's tightly as they walked toward the car.

"Then why don't you like me right now?" Ryan asked, his head feeling fuzzy. 

"I always like you" Shane laughed slightly as he opened the passenger door for Ryan to get into. "I love you so much, which is why I can't kiss you"

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