Tongue Twisted

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"Ryan" Shane said, breaking away from the kiss and looking down at him with admiration. They were still both in shock that they admitted that they loved each other. Part of Ryan was worried Shane would freak out about it, but this was the best possible outcome. He didn't even intend on telling Shane that he loved him tonight, although he had been feeling it for a little while.

"Hmm?" Ryan still had a wide smile plastered across his face. His hands were tangled in Shane's hair and his heart was beating out of his chest. That sense of euphoria had returned once again and blurred his vision so all he could see was Shane. 

"Come to Hell with me" Shane said, releasing Ryan's waist and grasping his hands. It was insane, he knew that. He had to give it a try. Thus far, he hadn't mixed his past with the present but it was finally time. Ryan needed to see who he used to be. Besides that, it wasn't fair that Shane had been living in Ryan's apartment for about a month, and Ryan has never even been to Shane's house. 

"What?" Ryan said, thinking Shane was joking at first, but then his expression remained serious. Ryan had no clue what going to hell entailed. Shane could be offering to kill him right now for all he knew. 

"I'm serious, you don't have to stay forever, just come for a visit tomorrow" Shane said, kissing the tops of Ryan's hands. "Please?" 

"Shane we have work tomorrow" Ryan said, rolling his eyes at Shane's desperate attempt to convince Ryan to run away with him. It was charming, he had to admit it. But they weren't kids anymore. Running away, even if it is just for a little bit, was something that only happened in fiction. Honestly, the thought of it was simply too perfect for it to come true. 

"Screw work, come with me" Shane continued, tightening his grip on Ryan's hands as if to ground him to reality. As if to remind that even though it was perfect, it was real. 

"Oh god" Ryan said looking up the ceiling, disappointed in himself. The old Ryan would have never even considered the proposal. Still, the fantasy of ignoring all of his responsibilities for even just one day to run around with Shane got the better of his rational thinking.  "Fine"

"Yes!" Shane rejoiced, immediately kissing Ryan's neck. Ryan laughed slightly as he wrapped his arms around Shane. he knew this was a bad decision, but right now he couldn't care less. Shane was ecstatic that Ryan was going to met everyone. Besides Ricky, Shane had a small batch of other friends he wanted to introduce Ryan too. His only fear was how they would act around Ryan. 

None of them are as big of a part of Shane's life as Ricky, but it's a big step to meet the friends. Mostly he was looking forward to showing Ryan his house. 

"I fucking hate you" Ryan whispered as Shane put his hand on the small of Ryan's back. Shane didn't realize how much he loved physical touch until he started dating Ryan. 

"I know" Shane laughed, making his way up from Ryan's neck to his jaw.

"Come on" Ryan backing up slightly and looking up at Shane with tired eyes. "Let's go to bed" 

"Only if you let me carry you" Shane half-joked.

"Am I going to regret agreeing to this?" Ryan responded with caution. There was no way this ended well, but he was intrigued. 

"Probably" Shane said with a shrug before throwing Ryan over his shoulder. 

"Shane, NO" Ryan yelled, death gripping onto Shane's back. "Not like that"

"It's your fault for not specifying" Shane replied nonchalantly as he strutted into the bedroom. Ryan continued to try and get out of Shane's grip, but he was much stronger than Ryan anticipated. For having such thin arms, he sure was pretty strong. 

Shane threw him onto the bed to which the bed creaked and Ryan cursed at Shane.

"I-" Ryan started as Shane climbed into bed next to him

"I know, you hate me. Now get some sleep so I don't have to hear you whine in the morning" Shane whispered as he put his arms around Ryan.

"Jokes on you, I'm going to complain regardless" Ryan breathed out, slowly getting quieter. Shane listened to his heart beat slow ever so slight and breathing even out. 

AN: Sorry this chapter is a little shorter, I just wrote some fluff as a treat

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