Monday Morning

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It had been 6 days. Ryan and Shane went into the office every day and pretended like everything was normal, only they knew what was really happening. Shane had a heavy heart as looked at the outside of the building, knowing it would a while before he would see it again.

They both walked into the office, Ryan acting as Shane's emotional support 'coworker'. They were still sneaking around, but Ryan's confidence was growing every day. Maybe when Shane came back to work they would tell everyone they were dating, but not yet. 

He kept using the word when. When Shane came back. When Shane stopped working in Hell. Not if. Usually, Ryan would have a lot of anxiety about situations like this, but for some reason, he was so sure Shane would stay. 

Shane noticed some people looking at them oddly, but didn't let it get to him. if it were a normal day, Ryan would've made Shane wait a little bit before coming into the office so it didn't seem like they were going together, but today he made an exception. 

"Your lips look a little chapped" Ryan said in passing as they went to their desks. He didn't think anything of it, it was just Shane always had a ton of chapstick on him at all times so he found it odd.

"So you were staring at my lips?" Shane teased, momentarily forgetting where they were but not regretting making the comment. Seeing Ryan's flustered expression was just too tempting. 

"Ahaha" Ryan tried to laugh it off while looking around at their co-workers. "Very funny" He shot Shane a look of anger, but Shane couldn't take him seriously because he was now noticeably blushing.

Shane looked down at him with a devilish grin, before innocently walking away as if nothing happened. Ryan sighed while glaring at him, attempting to hide the heat that rising in his face. For the most part, Shane kept the flirting to a minimum during work, but occasionally he couldn't resist. Especially when Ryan gave him opportunities like that.

They worked through the rest of the day which was mostly just filled with editing, then Shane went to tell them he wouldn't be coming in for work next week. 

"Why wouldn't you turn in a two-week notice?" The supervisor asked, raising one eyebrow. It was evident that she was caught off guard by Shane's seemingly spur-of-the-moment decision. 

"Family emergency" Shane said simply. It wasn't completely untrue, he did view Ricky as family. The only reason he was going back to work for Bite and Bark was to save Ricky. If he agreed to work there for a month, Ricky would be released from his contract. 


They woke on Monday morning, both instantly feeling the dread of the situation. Today was the day Shane would start working for Bite and Bark again. Ryan wasn't aware of the full story, but he knew it was difficult for Shane to face Robert again. Not to mention the fact he had kinda been ignoring Ricky for the remainder of the week. Something about how he acted during their visit to hell left a bad taste in his mouth. Luckily for them, Ricky hadn't tried to pull any schemes as of late. 

Ryan rolled over and planted a kiss on Shane's forehead. "It's going to be ok" He whispered. 

Shane smiled and rolled out of bed with a groan before getting ready for the day. he had a million thoughts racing in his mind as he started worrying about the day. He put on the outfit Ryan chose for him, a dark blue suit, and half-heartedly adjusted his hair in the mirror. 

"Do I have to?" he whined as Ryan adjusted the collar of Shane's shirt. 

"Your gonna do fine" Ryan assured him, reaching up to kiss his cheek one final time. "But promise to come home if you get sick again" 

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