Nurse Ryan

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The life had left its eyes, and moments later the body faded away. When demons died in the human world, they ceased to exist. No body, no soul. The only blood that remained on Shane's clothes was his own, which admittedly was a lot. 

He stood up, feeling immense shame. He could look Ryan in the eyes, not after what he had done. All of the energy in the room was drained, Shane knew he was the only demon left. He stared down at the spot the other demon used to be and it was as if nothing had happened. His crime had been erased from everything but his and Ryan's memory. 

As he contemplated the situation he was Shane didn't even notice Ryan's hand brushed his arm.

"Let's get you cleaned up" Ryan prompted in a gentle tone and began to lead Shane to the bathroom. He followed without any resistance, still in a dazed state. Ryan didn't want to bother Shane with his thousands of questions, but he was nearly bursting to know what happened. His eyes had been closed when the event happened, all he had heard was a grunt. Then the thing was gone. 

Was it dead? Were they safe now? What did Shane have to do? He shoved down these questions as Shane sat on the ground and Ryan got his first aid kit. The blood on his neck had stopped, but the stain completely ruined his shirt. The adrenaline had long faded which left a throbbing pain throughout Shane's entire body. 

Ryan kneeled down beside Shane, who had a blank expression. He made eye contact for a second but quickly went back to staring at the wall. 

"I'm sorry, this is going to sting" Ryan warned before placing the towel on Shane's wound to disinfect it. Shane smiled slightly at his concern. Only Ryan would worry about that after Shane literally just fought a demon. Ryan cringed slightly at the sight of just how large the wound was. Not only did it branch from his neck to about 7 inches down his chest, but it was thick. He would probably have to get stitches for how deep it was. 

Shane watched Ryan's face shift from concern to disgust, and he felt his heart rate rising. He was so close to his face, and Ryan's hands were all over his chest. If there wasn't an intense pain coursing through him, he might've kissed Ryan. 

"Are you ok?" Ryan asked, filling in the silence as he finished bandaging Shane's wound. They had discarded his shirt once they came to terms that it was beyond salvaging. He didn't have that much experience with healing but he was proud of his work. He decided to stare at the bandages to distract himself from Shane's chest. 

They still hadn't talked about the kiss, and Shane wasn't sure if they were going to. Did Ryan regret it? It would make sense if he did, Shane thought. He was comforted by the fact Ryan was still by his side. 

"I'm going to fine" Shane gave a warm smile to prove his point then started to get up with a groan. He took in a sharp breath when the pain hit him. Ryan rushed to his side and helped him stand up straight.

"You know, your the perfect size for an armrest" Shane joked, ruffling Ryan's hair while setting his elbow on top of Ryan's head. Ryan rolled his eyes and lead Shane to his bedroom, making a conscious effort not to make it awkward. It was going to be a difficult night. Ryan considered sleeping on the couch instead, but the desire to sleep next to Shane won. 

Shane flopped onto the bed, grateful he didn't have to stay on the confiding couch tonight. He put overthink about the situation on the back burner because he was so exhausted. Ryan, unfortunately, didn't have that luxury. He climbed into bed with Shane, careful not to disturb him too much. Shane rolled onto his chest and buried his face into the pillow. Almost immediately he was asleep. 

Ryan was nearly falling off the edge of the bed as he tried not to sleep too close. He was hyperaware of Shane's deep, slow breathing. He felt the urge to roll over and his arms around the other man, but quickly pushed that thought out of his mind. 

Eventually, Ryan fell asleep. For the first time in a while, he felt safe falling asleep. Ever since he moved into the apartment he had felt like there was something watching him, but after Shane's stunt, it felt empty. He drifted into a dreamless sleep.


Jack watched the brawl with childlike winder as Ricky was in the other room making a phone call. The fight was everything he had hoped it would be, there was blood, there was hatred, there were lives on the line. Once it ended, jack wasn't even mad that Shane had won. It seemed like Ricky already had a backup plan, so it wasn't that bad that his minion had failed its mission. 

Jack was about to find Ricky and tell him what happened, but then he noticed the human approaching Shane. Jack watched with great curiosity as it seemed this well-respected demon had a soft spot for this human. It was a peculiar scene, and one most people would never get to witness. Relationships with humans were banned per se, but it was so looked down upon it might as well be. Humans were seen as completely inferior and even just being friends with one was seen as ludicrous. 

Ricky came back into the room, a conspiring smile painted across his face. He looked pretty self-satisfied until he looked over at the mirror that still displayed the tender moment between Shane and Ryan. More importantly, Ricky noticed the giant bleeding gash on Shane's neck.

"What the hell happened here?" Ricky asked, his voice filled with fury. He made sure they chose a demon he knew Shane could handle so he wouldn't get hurt. 

"I think your theory about was right; he really has lost his edge" Jack lied. He was enjoying this situation so far, and it would be preferable if he could stick around for the conclusion. That could happen if Ricky didn't hate him. 

"Dammit" Ricky hissed under his breath, feeling a sense of urgency rising. He had called a friend to go up to the human world and convince Shane he was doing something illegal. Shane had to have an official reason to be in the human world for more than a week, and thus far he hasn't done any work. This would be his final scraw, and Ricky could have him back home. The sight of the wound on his neck was just a reminder about how dangerous it truly was to be up there. 

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