The Party (Pt. 2)

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"There he is," Shane said through clenched teeth as Robert approached them. There was no point in hiding his disdain for him now, he had nothing to lose. After he tried to touch Ryan, Shane hated Robert. 

Still, he approached them with his notoriously cocky attitude, a small glass in his hand. He fit so effortlessly with the masses of Bite and Bark, it was almost like he was back for good. 

Robert smiled widely, ignoring Shane's coldness. "Yes, well, I wouldn't miss your farewell party for the world" 

"A pity" Shane scoffed, earning him an elbow from Ricky. What was the point of pleasantries now? He had nothing left to lose. The only reason he kept his temper was for Ricky's sake.

"What he means to say" Ricky interjected. "Is that we're happy you're here" Shane held back his sarcastic laughter. 

"Can I steal you for a moment?" Robert asked, talking to Ricky. He nodded solemnly and Shane watched with curiosity as they scurried away. It felt like there was some inside joke he wasn't a part of but the thought quickly disappeared as they did. 

He didn't dwell on the thought for long because he was now making a beeline for Ryan, who was still sitting at the bar. Shane's expression darkened seeing all the other demons eyeing his boyfriend. He didn't care what their intent was, he just knew he hated the fact that they were staring. 

"This sucks," He said, leaning on the bar next to Ryan, who smiled at Shane's return. Ryan was the one thing at this party that could lift his spirits. He was different from everyone else, like his own little slice of heaven. 

"It hasn't even been an hour" Ryan laughed, placing his hand over Shane's. "And I'm pretty sure you have to stay; it's your party" 

"Don't remind me" Shane said, rolling his eyes. He just wanted to go home, but he knew that wouldn't be fair to Ricky. All he had to do was get through tonight. 

"Do you want to go to your office?" Ryan asked gently, noticing that Shane seemed to be overwhelmed by the party. He was looking far off like there was something on his mind. Ryan knew the feeling well and wanted to help Shane in any way that he could. 

Shane hesitated but then nodded. He couldn't stand everyone looking at them any longer. Ricky was off doing something with Robert anyway, and he was the only reason Shane came to this party. Social events were fine in very small amounts, but Shane was quickly reaching the end of his patience. 

Ryan got up and held Shane's hand before leading them away from the crowd, always feeling the burn of their stares on his back. People kept trying to stop Shane, a million questions flowing out their mouths instant. 

"Where did you find him?" "Why are you leaving?" "I thought you were dating Goldsworth?" 

Shane brushed off their questions and evaded them like second nature. Ryan kept his mouth shut and let a comment slip out every so often. It was just so infuriating to hear the same condescending questions over and over. 

Shane smiled. "Ry, you know I love bitchy muttering, but don't indulge them" 

"Fine, fine" Ryan sighed. "But if I hear one more person call you Ricky's boyfriend..."

"I know, I'm not exactly happy with that either" Shane whispered, dodging another group of people before finally making it out to the hallway. it felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders and they were finally free. For now, at least. 


"What's the plan?" Ricky asked as they stepped out onto the balcony. He didn't want to waste any more time now that Shane was so close to leaving. This was his last chance, his hail mary. Robert was his only hope of getting Shane to stay.

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