Why Not?

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Shane woke up and for the first time in a while, he wasn't instantly assaulted by agonizing pain. It was a small victory, but it felt good to win one. Hope soared in his chest as he realized this meant he could see Ryan now. 

He got out of bed, fully expecting to fall back down, but he didn't. He laughed with surprise as he memorized this moment. Slowly but surely, he learned to trust his body. He paced around the room for a few minutes and stared at himself in the mirror. He was still tired and that was evident by the bags under his eyes. He could see that he lost weight, which was due to the fact most days he didn't have the strength to stand, much less eat. 

Sadness crept into this monumental moment as Shane realized he had no one to celebrate this victory with. He swiftly pushed those thoughts away, he would get to tell Ryan everything when he saw him again. 

There was nothing more he wanted to do than get back to Ryan, but he wasn't naive enough to go right away. The relief he felt right now was more than likely to be short-lived. Any second now he could fall back into his constant state of pain. There was no telling how long it would be until he was back to his old self. 

He sighed in anger and looked down with a sense of defeat. He didn't want to be alone anymore, he needed Ryan to be there. 

Even still, it probably wouldn't hurt to take advantage of this moment of grace. He grabbed his coat and headed out hastily before the pain could return. He needed to get some food, maybe stock up. He already tried taking aspirin and various other painkillers, but none of them made any impact, so he had to try something else.

He swore that as soon as he could hold himself up for an entire day, he would go straight to Ryan. 


Ryan was able to postpone filming for one more week. It didn't make sense, but a part of him was still holding onto the impossible hope that Shane would come back. 

The more he thought about it though, the more the fairytale was tainted. Even if Shane somehow came back, Ryan knew he wasn't ready to be in a relationship again. They would always be complicated no matter what, and Ryan wasn't ready to handle all of that.

That didn't mean he didn't want Shane there. It was all he wanted, actually. Shane was the only person who had ever made him feel so safe, but when that security was ruined by all the complications, he couldn't hold on any longer.

 He liked to think back on the times where all he was worried about was Ricky. Before he knew about Robert, about Bite and Bark, about the illness. Every happy moment they spent together was quickly fleeting. 

Ryan didn't understand it at all, but it need to make sense. After all, it was all just a distant dream. 

"Morning" Steven yawned as Ryan walked into the office.  

Ryan groaned quietly in response as he made a beeline for the coffee maker. Steven had heard the whole story over and over again (minus the part about Shane being a demon), so he could guess why Ryan was in such a bad mood. 

"We have to start filming today" Ryan muttered, trying to focus on work instead of the thousand swarming thoughts rattling in his mind. What is Shane doing right now? Is he thinking about me too?

Steven went along with the distraction Ryan was creating for himself by nodding. "Whenever you're ready"

"Wow, you're replacing me already?" Ryan heard a shockingly familiar voice say. He was frozen in place. It couldn't be him...

Steven's eyes were wide. "Shane?" He asked with disbelief. Ryan said he decided to stay in Illinois to work at a car dealership, what was he doing here?

Ryan spun around, feeling a million different things. They became overwhelming as he made eye contact with Shane. It was really him. 

"How..?" That was all he could manage to ask. Ryan didn't even know how to start to process what was happening. He spent the past few weeks trying to accept that Shane was never coming back, and now he was back. 

Shane glanced at Steven for a split second, but they quickly returned to Ryan. "That's a long story, come with me," He said, taking Ryan's hand gently. 

Ryan felt a jolt and followed Shane, still trying to find words. Was he supposed to say he missed him? Or was that too desperate? They were broken up, after all. 

He watched Shane's every movement, taking in every little detail just in case he lost him again.

Shane smiled slightly, noticing Ryan's confusion. It was nice to know he hadn't changed. 

Shane shut the door to the office, taking a moment to look around at the place they had filmed the first season of unsolved. 

"Shane, how are you back here?" Ryan asked, breaking Shane from his reminiscing. 

"I never stayed in hell" Shane tried to explain, looking off in the distance as the night of the party came to his mind. It was still a fresh wound for both of them. 

Ryan's eyes went wide. "You were here the whole time? Why didn't you come back sooner?"

Shane winced at the memory of all the pain he had to endure. "There were side effects to staying here. I- I couldn't even stand for two weeks straight. I thought I was going to die, Ryan"

"Shane..." He whispered, putting a hand on Shane's arm. He had no idea. Now he was noticing how tired Shane looked, how scared he was. When he smiled, it didn't reach his eyes. There was something really wrong.

"But none of that matters now!" He said, turning to Ryan and putting his hands on his shoulders. "I'm back now, we can be together!"

Ryan casts his eyes down. "We can't"

"Why not?" Shane asked, feeling hurt. "I chose to stay in the overworld so it's not complicated anymore, right?"

Ryan still couldn't look up. "You're still a demon, and I'm still not out. I stand by what I said, this was never going to work out"

Shane furrowed his brow as he looked at Ryan's mournful expression. All he wanted was to get back to Ryan, and it turns out he doesn't even want him. It hurt like hell. A voice in the back of his head whispered, Ricky was right, but Shane wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. 

"I'm not going to give up" Shane promised, taking his hands off of Ryan. 

"What do you mean?" Ryan sighed, wishing Shane would've held him longer. He shook the thought from his head, Ryan knew what he was doing was best for the both of them. 

"I mean, I'm not giving up on you- on us. I know you're not ready to be in a relationship with me right now, and I understand that, but I'm not just going to stop trying" Shane leaned down and kissed his cheek. "That's a promise"

Ryan couldn't help the smile that spread onto his face, and he tried to ignore that his heart was beating faster. He knew it would be better if he could just move on, but the warmth growing across his face was undeniable. There was no way this would end well.

"You're not going to win me over that easily" Ryan returned, rolling his eyes at Shane's gesture. 

"No, of course not" Shane whispered in Ryan's ear. "That would take all the fun out of it"

Ryn bit the inside of his cheek, feeling his heart about to burst out of his chest. He wasn't sure if he wanted Shane to get away from him, or get closer. Luckily, he didn't have to think about it much longer, because Shane backed up. 

"You know, you could stay and film the new season of unsolved" Ryan said despite himself as Shane started walking out of the door. He wanted Shane to stay in his life, even if it wasn't as a boyfriend. But would he be able to stop himself? 

Shane smirked. "I would love to" 

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