We step onto the crowded elevator. It makes me uncomfortable that people keep glancing our way or more my way. I want to yell at them but along with the girl who's banging the boss, the gold digger, the whore etc I'll be known as the crazy office bitch. I already have enough labels thank you!

So I keep to myself, staring at the floor, feeling more at ease when the elevator would stop and someone would get out.

It didn't take us too long to get to the top floor. Grayson and I were the only ones left in the elevator as we exited.

Preston walked straight towards us, glaring at Grayson "you hired Mason as my goddamned assistant!!"

I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from laughing. "My father forced me to, I didn't have a say in the matter so if you have an issue, take it up with him."

We all knew that Preston was terrified of Richard Black, I know he can seem like a hard ass but when you get to know him he's a soft teddy bear, just like his son.

Preston just sighed and gave me a kiss on the cheek, welcoming me back. Then he stormed off down the hall muttering to himself.

Grayson and I walked to his office. I stopped at my desk and began unpacking my things while Grayson closed the door to his office.

It's nice to be back. Powering up the computer had me reminiscing.

Eventually I'd sorted myself out. I had Graysons schedule pulled up and was making calls.

I look up when I hear someone stomping towards me. I smile at a grumpy looking Mason. He hardly ever wears suits. The man's always in a biker jacket and jeans. But today it looks as if he's been forced to dress accordingly by a stern mother "Mason." I greet with the biggest amused smile.

He glares at me "I hate my brother." He grumbles causing me to laugh at his childish antics.

"You're two hours late." I look at my watch and shake my head.

"What's the worse he'll do? Fire me?"

I shrug "you can only hope. Lunch is in another hour, why don't you join me and Marie in the cafeteria?"

I watch his shoulders slump "fine. But I'm putting it on Graysons tab."

"If it makes you feel any better I've been doing the same for years and I've always used his card to purchase coffee for everyone who'd put in an order."

Finally he's genuinely smiling "why don't we do something fun?"

Narrowing my eyes at him I question what he has in mind.

"I don't know? We could glitter bomb his office!"

"You're a real child at heart, you know that?" I say

"So? Are you gonna help me? Imagine him walking out covered in glitter that he won't be able to get off, even with a good shower! It'll knock his ego down a peg or two."

Normally I'd jump at the chance to mess with Grayson. But we've gone through so much over the past two days.

I can feel my breakfast coming up my throat "hold that thought." I mumble, covering my mouth with my hand and running to the bathroom.

I shove open the first stall I see and release my stomach into in porcelain bowl. I'm never ever drinking again. I swear on my life, if this is what it's like when you get alcohol poisoning I'm never drinking again and I mean it this time.

Sighing I wipe my mouth, flush the toilet and splash some cold water on my face. Then I leave the bathroom and walk back down the hall to my desk.

Masons stolen my chair and gives me a sympathetic smile "are you ok?"

His Fake fiancé Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant