The Accident

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I was sitting downstairs with an ice pack on my throbbing head.

The guys were right when they said this would hurt in the morning.

"Who the hell doesn't have pain killers?" Evelyn fussed, going through my kitchen cabinets. I smiled, but even that hurt.

"It's okay Evie, I swear. I'll be fine in like five minutes." I promised her, removing the ice pack.

I heard a car pull up the driveway and feared it was Rebecca, if she comes in and sees us right now she's going to know somethings up.

"Sofia why the hell are the cops here?" Mason said. I shot up immediately, shoving the ice pack behind a couch cushion, "I don't know but it doesn't look look good news." I said, peering through the window as two officers made their way up to the door.

I held my breath, waiting five seconds after the knock to open the door, "Oh, hello. What can I do for you?" I said, feeling James's arm come around my side. 

The female cop kept her eyes on me the whole time, and I couldn't tell if she had a suspicious or upset look, whilst the male cop set his eyes on James before returning back to me, "Are you Sofia Holland?" He asked me.

I nodded, taking a piece of paper from him, "Do you know a Rebecca Holt?"

My blood ran cold, "Uh y-yes she's my step-mom, why? Did something happen?" 

The male officer took of his hand and scratched his head, "I'm afraid something happened. You're going to need to come down to the hospital. I can't reach your father, any idea where he is?" His voice faded in and out.

"Miss?" He said, tapping me on the shoulder.

I snapped back into reality, letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding, "He's uh- away on b-business." I stuttered, "I'll call him. Um, let me get my stuff." I fussed quickly, grabbing a jacket and some shoes.

My head pounded with every step. Every single bad possibility and outcome rushing to my head at once. I stumbled into the counter top, banging my hip.

"Sofi, what's happening?" Evelyn said worriedly, grabbing onto me, "We need to go to the hospital." I said into her eyes.

"This morning she was driving home but the roads were terribly icy. Most civilians were instructed not to drive but she was. Her car rolled and tipped, crashing into a ditch on the side of the road." 

I was following the officers out to their car, shivering in the snow as they explained what happened, "A-and the car?" I sniffled, salty tears pouring down my cheeks. "In the shop for a repair. We'll know more by tonight." 

I nodded, climbing into the front seat of James's car.

+ + + 

The hospital wouldn't tell me anything except that she had a bleeding on the brain, a broken leg in three places, fractured femur and severe spinal disruption.

I was a crying, snotty mess sitting by myself in this cold hospital room. I couldn't get a hold of my dad and the blizzard outside was getting worse by the hour.

I could barely see the sky anymore as I looked outside. It was only 11am and it looked like nighttime. What the hell is happening? 

Her machines beeped and sucked and hissed, giving me the shivers.

I can't even tell what's real anymore.

There was a knock on the door and I didn't have the strength to turn around, "Hi, I'm just here to check her fluids." Some nurse lady smiled.

How can she smile at something like this? 

I nodded, getting off the chair and leaving the room. I'm miserable by myself. I looked left and right down both hallways for my friends but they were nowhere to be found. I headed down the left hallway, signs for cafeteria.

I'm in desperate need of a coffee. I don't even drink coffee, I hate the stuff! But I have a thumping headache and I'll need it if I have to sit in this hospital any longer.

I sore the line for the cafeteria and shuffled in behind some other people. My hands made their way into the pockets of my jacket as I slouched my sore shoulders.

"Sofia!" I heard my name being called and turned my head, seeing James, Mason and Evelyn rush over, "Oh hey guys." I sniffled, wiping my nose.

James pulled me into a bear hug and squished my head to his chest. I closed my eyes and took in his scent. He smells a-mazing!

"We tried calling your Dad, the hotel he's at for his conference, nothing! It's like he disappeared." Evelyn said, rubbing my back.

"Have we entered some alternate universe or something? What the fuck is happening?" I said rather loudly, causing some heads to turn. 

I dragged myself out of the line and sat on some chairs in a waiting area, the guys joining me on the couch opposite. 

"I don't know but it's freaky." 

Just as I had closed my eyes, I heard the text-tone of my phone, and then Evelyn's then Mason's, then James's...

For fuck sake.

"I don't even want to look."

But by the looks on everyone's faces, it's bad.

"Did we all get different texts?" I swallowed, peering onto everyone's screens. 

"Sofia." James's said in a small voice, pushing his screen into my face. I squinted my eyes at the harsh light, reading the two lines over and over again.

I'm so sorry to hear about Rebecca.
Let's hope Lily makes it home from her play-date in one piece...

"Go." I shouted, "What?" James said.

He had unshed tears in his eyes, "Go. Go get your sister. Now, go!" I said.

He stood up, "Are you sure? Are you gonna be okay?"

I nodded, pressing my lips to his, "Call me if you need anything." I called out to him, but he was already out the door, "Are you guys okay?" I said, turning to Mason and Evelyn. 

They nodded, but dread filled their faces, "I need to get home." Evelyn said, picking up her bag.

"Why are you okay?" I asked. She nodded, "Yeah I just don't like my Dad being home alone. He's off sick today so I should go. Just to be safe."

She sped off quickly, leaving Mason and I alone. "What about you? Do you need to go?" I questioned. He shook his head, "Nah. My Dad's in Arizona, all they threatened me with was my grades. I don't give a fuck." He shrugged.

"You can go home if you want, you don't have to stay here." I said.

Mason got up and sat next to me on the uncomfortable plastic chairs, "I'll stay. No one should be alone right now, especially in these weather conditions." 

I smiled at his kind gesture, leaning my head back against the wall, "It's so fucked up." I whispered to myself. "Yup, and we have til prom to figure out who it is." Mason agreed with me, "What do you think will happen if we don't?" 

A gruesome thought came to mind.

"I don't know. But I definitely don't want to find out."

+ + + 

Hi guys!!!

Hope you looooooooved this chapter <3

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