The Trip

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I yawned, taking a sip from my hot coffee as I waited with my class at the airport.

It was early. Too early to be awake. Especially on a Friday.

Mrs Brickerly was beyond excited, taking photos of everything. She even handed out pamphlets with information about San Diego on it.

"We will get a chance to go to the beach, there is also a pool at the hotel."

I was excited that I got to swim. I haven't gone swimming in ages. I'm terrible at swimming but I enjoy it.

"Hey." Evelyn smiled, bumping shoulders with me. "Hey, how you doing?" I asked, grimacing at the small, red mark on her cheek. She shrugged, "I'm good. Surprised my parents let me go on this trip, actually."

I nodded, "Yeah, have they apologised yet?" I asked. Evelyn played with her fingers, "Do you wanna be plane buddies?" She asked me, changing the subject. I smiled, "Sure."

"Damn, you beat me to it." A voice said. I looked up, meeting the eyes of James who had headphones hanging from his ears, "Sorry dude, dibs!"

"I am not an object!" I said, frowning.

"Sorry Sofia, we just both looooove you." Evelyn said, making kissy faces at James who rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Just coz you have a lesbo crush on her." Evelyn feigned hurt and threw her neck pillow at him.

I sighed, "I just hope that person isn't with us on this trip. That'd be terrible."

"I feel like we should stop calling them a 'person', like, they obviously have a name?"

"They deserve nothing more than the title of a 'person'."

Biting my lip, the airport dinged and our flight was called, "Well, here goes nothing."

+ + +

Halfway into the flight, I was nearly asleep.

Resting my head against the window that Evelyn had so kindly given up for me. She was reading a book, a neck pillow securely around her.

"I hope there's cute girls in San Diego." Evelyn suddenly says.

I jolt awake, turning to face her. "I mean, think about. San Diego girls are in the sun all day, tanning, working out. They'll be tan... but with asses!" Evelyn exclaims excitedly. I laughed with her, eyeing the beautiful ocean below us as we flew over San Diego.

It's only a hour flight and I couldn't be more excited to fly. I hate heights with a burning passion so even this is terrifying.

"We're in a giant metal box, how can you be scared?" Evelyn smiled, "The fact that we're in a giant metal box."

Evelyn rolled her eyes and went back to her book, leaving me alone.

Eventually, we landed and got off the plane. I inhaled the fresh air and had never felt more happy to be on ground.

"Are you ready for the most boring field trip of all time?" James said, snoring as he leaned his head on my shoulder, I laughed, "Eh. It won't be too bad. The only thing we're really doing is going to the museum. Then we get to chill and go swimming." I shrugged.

"She has a point. I mean, we pretty much get free time aside from the museum." Evelyn said,

"Sweet. Who wants to explore San Diego with me?" James asked, wiggling his eyebrows, "Lets just get to our hotel first yeah? Then we can go crazy."

We boarded the bus to the hotel, all of us in awe at the massive, glass building.

"There's gotta be at least like- 30 floors." I gasped, craning my neck to look up at the hotel, "Forty five actually." Mrs Brickerly said, nudging us inside.

As we checked in, Mrs Brickerly made us pick a roommate for our rooms. "You'll be stuck with each other for four days, choose your roommate wisely."

Evelyn and I had already picked each other we assume James and Mason would too, but they both went with other people.

"Girls are on the eleventh floor, boys are on the twelveth, follow me."

As we followed Mrs Brickerly to the elevator, I got a strange feeling that someone was following me.

Turning my head, I could see nothing out of the ordinary. I shrugged it off.

"Wow, these rooms are nice as." Evelyn gasped, pushing open the door to our room.

She bought a huge suitcase, a small suitcase and two backpacks, "You realise we're only gone for 4 days right?" I snort.

Evelyn shrugs, "I like to be prepared, you never know what could happen."

I flipped onto my bed, resting my eyes as I sunk further into the bed.

"What do you keep in there anyway?" I yawned.

"First aid kit, chargers, tampons, extra shoes. You know the deal." She smiles.

I actually applaud her. I forgot tampons.

"So, tell me. What's going with you and James?" Evelyn squealed, hopping onto her own bed, staring at me.

I shrug, "Nothing. We're just friends."

Evelyn sucks on her teeth, "That's not what it looks like."

I roll my eyes, yeah. James is cute. She's got fluffy brown hair, blue eyes, freckles, and he's kind of a nerd. But that doesn't mean I like him.

"You guys were totally flirting at the airport today. He was so devastated when he couldn't be your plane buddy."

"Whatever. I bet you're just overthinking it." I brush it off.

* * *
Later that day after we had settled in, Evelyn and I decided to go to the pool.

"Okay, what about you and Mason then? You guys are so lovey dovey all the time." I snort, raising my eyebrows.

We're chilling in the spa, our towels hung over the railing.

"Ew, definitely not."

I laugh, "What? You don't like the whole stoner, buzz cut kind of guy?"

"I'm a lesbian, Sofia." Evelyn laughs, causing me to laugh even more.

"I know. But it's nice to see you smile when you admit it."

She looks away from me, a small blush rising to her cheeks, "Whatever. You and James, I can feel it."

"Feel what?" A new voice says.

I turn around, blinded by the sun as two more bodies plunge into the spa.

"My boner." Evelyn hissed, scooching closer to me as James and Mason make themselves comfortable.

I relaxed deeper, submerging my shoulders under as I lay my head on Evelyns shoulder, closing my eyes.

"This is nice."

* * *
Heheheh, not for long....

How do you guys think this will go? Will they get the benefit of the doubt or will it go sideways??


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