Chapter 2: Safe Home

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The two lovebirds woke up in the bathroom the next morning after their night of raucous activities. They were greeted by a loud knock on the bedroom door.

"Dash! Demetria! We have half an hour 'til we leave for the airport! Get your stuff together!" Sally yelled.

Dash jumped up as he overheard Sally, nudging Demetria to wake up.

"Dang! We gotta get moving, Deme!" Dash warned.

Demetria lazily grumbled as she began to open her eyes.

"Five more minutes, hot rod," she muttered.

"Alright, I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice..." Dash sighed.

He let out a short, sharp rev that shocked Demetria out of her dozing; causing her to jump up and stumble.

"DASH! WHY SO PUSHY ALL OF A SUDDEN?!" Demetria yelled.

"We have less than half an hour to get to the airport! Let's move!!" Dash notified.

"ALRIGHT! I'm coming, jeez..." Demetria grumbled.

Demetria leaped up as the two of them began to frantically pack their belongings.

"Dang it! Why did we have to sleep in?!" Demetria perked up.

"Maybe because we were too busy having fun last night!" Dash chuckled.

"Well... I see no better excuse for waking up late than that." Demetria smiled at him.

They managed to pack the last of their belongings in record time and raced out of the bedroom. Dash checked over their items as Demetria closed the door behind her.

"Did you remember everything?" Dash asked

"Of course! I'm a doctor, sweetie... I'm too smart to forget anything." Demetria chuckled.

Ironically, she then realized that she forgot the keys inside the room.

"Damnit, where did they go?!" Demetria squirmed around, looking for the keys.

Dash smirked mischievously as he dangled them in front of her.

"Not so much of a 'smart doctor' now, huh?" Dash quipped.

"I hate you." Demetria playfully smirked and chuckled.

"Ouch! Poor choice of words, bub." Dash grinned.

"C'mon, let's get downstairs. We've had enough playtime over the last week." Demetria perked up.

"Alright, fine. We gotta move though; Sally wants us there like now." Dash advised.

"Well, don't just sit there! Let's move!" Demetria said as she began to race down the hallways – Dash following suit.

The two lovebirds dodged car-after-car as they made haste toward the check-out area.

"Excuse me! Coming through!" Demetria yelled as they zipped past.

They had managed to make it down to the lobby just in time.

"Well, look who's finally arrived. How did you two go last night, hmm?" Sally interrogated.

"The best we've ever felt, honestly." Demetria smiled sweetly at Dash, who began to blush as a result.

"We'll never be the same cars again after that..." Dash quipped, causing Demetria to shake her hood.

"...and that's a very good thing!" Demetria perked up.

The Demetrian Value | A Cars Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें