"What?" I laugh, looking at the disaster she's created. "I have so many clothes. Why don't you like anything today?"

"It's not that I don't like it all, I just think you need to look the best for this."

"Dakota." I chuckle again. "Why are you stressing out right now? Is this about your painting?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about that right now. Sorry." She sighs. "Ooh and I love this shirt."

She pulls a cream coloured silk button up long sleeve out of the bottom of my closet.

I frown at the item. That is cute, but I don't think it's even mine. "I like it, but I'm pretty sure that's your shirt." I chuckle.

"Well either way it's gorgeous and you should wear it."

"You have a point. Okay."

She claps and thrusts it at me. "Well. Put it on!"

I blush, self conscious. "Can you turn around?"

She lets out a dramatic sigh. "Kase. you do realize you're going to be painted in a few weeks, and you wont be able to hide, right."

I turn around. "You have a point, but I'm not even sure why I ever agreed to that in the first place." I do up the last couple buttons and turn back to face her.

Dakota has a smirk pasted across her face. "We were very drunk." She states matter of factly. "And that looks so good with your hair. Wow."

I feel myself turn redder. "Thank you." I grab a pair of black ripped jeans and matching cream boots. "What do you think?"

"Do a spin!" She giggles

I roll my eyes at her with a chuckle."Every single time."

"Okay, perfect, let's take a picture for the story!" She kicks a pile of clothes out of the way and we pose in front of my full length mirror.

I love this girl.


"What nail color did you get?" Dakota peeks over at my nails, much to the distress of her manicurist.

"Just this cute dusty rose shade." I tilt my hand to show.

"Basic, but I love it. I got this blue and look at how cute these little wavy lines are!" She lifts her hands and shows me, clearly oblivious to her manicurists' frustration.

I bite my lip to keep from laughing out loud. "Yes, very nice okay. I'll see when you're done."

She rolls her eyes. "They're already basically done."

The manicurist yanks her hands back. "You need a top coat."

I let out a quiet chuckle and put my hands under the light.

"Sorry." Dakota chuckles, finally paying attention.

"You're all done here." Mine says. I pull out cash for a tip and head up to the front to pay and wait for my very slow best friend.

"Okay I'm here." She comes up a few moments later. "Let's take a picture of our nails."

"Okay what's the plan now? Just onto the studio?" I turn to her as she picks the music and buckles up.

Dakota gives me an almost nervous look and checks the time. "Yeah, for sure."

I frown for a second but program the address into the GPS and start to drive.

"So what's new with you and Blade?" I ask her in attempt to distract her from whatever is on her mind.

"Good, yeah we're official and his birthday is next week but I have no clue what to get him." She chuckles. "And it's that stage where I'm like how coupley are we? Does it have to be good? Do we wear a couple's costume for Halloween?"

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