"I-I'm sorry Naomi, at the moment I was having so much fun and I didn't think about the aftermath." The sick male apologized, coughing a little.

"Tell me one time you did think about the aftermath!?" She yelled. All he could do was frown.

As the female kept arguing- no yelling at her boyfriend, a knock on the door interrupted them. They weren't expecting anyone so the couple curiously watched the door as Naomi walked over to open it.

Behind the door revealed a familiar brown haired female.

You heard the yelling from outside but didn't want to say anything. All you did was give a small wave.

"Y/N?" The sick male whispered loud enough for you both to hear.

"Hey! Sorry that this is a bit sudden, but I wanted to apologize for getting you sick yesterday. If I hadn't suggested sledding then we wouldn't have gotten sick. So I bought hot chocolate and some cake from the bakery." You awkwardly scratched your head.

"Oh yeah, Y/N was your name right?" Naomi said as she smiled at you. "Yeah, Naomi right?" You nervously stood there.

"Yes! Come in." She invited you inside. "Oh no it's fine you guys seem busy, please just take the hot chocolate and cake." You chuckled, avoiding eye contact.

"Don't be silly Y/N!" She pulled you inside.

You mentally cursed at yourself, you didn't want to be there after hearing them fight from outside.

You started looking around at the apartment, it was honestly quite nice. You turned over to see the male sitting on the couch grinning at you.

You walked over to the male and handed the treats you brought him. "Sorry Naomi I didn't know you would be here or else I would have brought more" You apologized as you turned to her.

"Don't stress yourself Y/N, I'm on a strict diet for one of my photoshoots anyways so I couldn't have eaten it even if you did." She stroked the back of your hair.

"You have pretty hair Y/N!" She complimented you.

"Thank you."

"Well, have a seat, is there anything you'd like to eat or drink?" She questioned you as she pushed you down on the couch.

"Oh may I have some water?"

"Sure thing I'll get it right now!" She rushed to the kitchen.

"So didn't expect you here!" The male finally spoke up. "Yeah neither did I, but I couldn't help but feel bad because it is sort of my fault you look half dead." You shrugged. "Pfft, anyways, did you go all the way to your bakery and get this for me?" He said, eyeing the cake.

"Yeah pretty much, but it was easier since I have my car back." You stated. "You have a car?" He questions. "Yeah, I just needed to repair it cause my car got into a small accident but it's better now." You grinned. "Damn, that sucks," He added his side comment. "It really does, doesn't it?"

"So did you go to class today Y/N?" Hawks questions. But before you could answer the question Naomi pops in with your glass of water. "You're still in school Y/N?!" She asked, a bit surprised. "Ah, no I'm not, well I kind of am, eh I'm a med school student." You turned to her.

"Oh! That makes much more sense!" She smiled.

You stayed for 10 more minutes, you and Hawks cracked jokes in between.

"Hey Y/N remember the time we went to a restaurant and then I took you to see the city lights and you were totally freaking out over flying!?!" Hawks asked, laughing as he sipped his hot chocolate.

"Yeah! But it's not my fault I was totally caught off guard!" You playfully argued.

"You guys went flying and saw the city lights?" Naomi asked with hints of annoyance and jealousy in her voice.

"Yeah and Y/N was so scared you should have seen Y/N's face Naomi!" He joked.

"Oh but I thought you would only take me to see the lights and flying." She mumbled under her breath.

"Did you say something Naomi?" You looked at her.

"Hm? Oh no it's nothing, just my throat is a bit sore, maybe Keigo's cold is rubbing off on me." She smiled.

"Oh no! I would hate for you to get sick." He said worriedly as he covers himself up a bit more.

"Yeah.." She trailed off.

"Anyways, Y/N we should totally do something like sledding again." He turned to you.

"Do you never listen? You'll get sick if you play in the snow like a child again." Naomi scolded.

"Ahaha what Naomi said, we wouldn't want to get sick. Trust me I felt like I was about to pass out any second yesterday, no way I'm doing it again!" You laughed.

As the two of you joked around, you felt Naomi's eyes which were full of jealousy stare right through you. You couldn't blame her though, if your boyfriend were to joke around and act this close to another girl, you wouldn't be the biggest fan of it. So, because you didn't want to stir up any problems between the couple, you excused yourself.

"Well this was fun, but I should get going now!" You said getting up.

"Aw alright then, thanks for coming Y/N!" Hawks waved.

"Well that sucks, Bye Y/N!" Naomi rushed to open the door for you.

'Seems like she was waiting for me to leave' you thought to yourself.

"Well bye you two!" You waved as you walked out.

"Bye!" The couple replied.

a/n: my bad I got lazy yesterday so I didn't upload haha.

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