Chapter 30

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(a/n: hihi! I know I haven't uploaded in a minute but in my previous chapter I stated that a few things are happening at home and thats the reason why I'm sort of behind on everything including schoolwork so that's why this chapter took a while to come out but I really hope you enjoy this chapter, It's a bit different from what I usually write because recently I've been writing a ton of fluff and I kind of got tired so this is a bit different but I still hope you enjoy. This chapter was supposed to be longer but I couldn't find the motivation to make it any longer so this is all you guys get for now D: sorry but still enjoy!! <3 AND TY FOR 1K HOLY YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING)

A month has already passed since you guys started dating and the funny thing is you guys barely got to hang out, you were busy with work and classes as he was busy with hero work but he never forgot to drop by after closing time while you were on your shifts at the bakery.


"So are you excited?" He asked, as he opened his apartment door and walked in.

"Yeah, I am, you?" You return the questing as you study in a half empty library. You didn't have work today so instead of staying home and doing absolutely nothing, you chose to be productive and come to the library to study. Though It did take a lot of self-convincing.

At the moment you both were on facetime.

"Yeah, man I've been looking forward to this trip." He sighs flopping over on his couch.

"Mhm." You say, distracted by the work you're doing.

"Want me to come pick you up once you're done?" He asks.

"Nah don't worry about it, I wouldn't want to trouble you and the library is just a five minute walk from my house." You reassure him.

For some stupid reason you chose not to bring your car so you were stuck with walking back home. You could order an uber but there's no point wasting your money for a 2 minute drive when it only takes you 5 minutes to walk home.

"So are you the only one in the library?" He asked, getting up to go change his clothes.

"Nope, a few more people are here but we all have our own sections, maybe about 6 people?" You guessed.

"Oh I see. Surprised that the library's open till this late." He spoke changing his shirt, you were too focused on your work to even notice what he's doing.

After another 50 minutes you decided you'd go home now. It was already past 10.

"I think I'll go home now." You stretched as you finally turned to your screen to see him.

"Finally I thought you'd sleep at the library." He laughed.

"Haha, very funny." You sarcastically roll your eyes.

"Pfft, I know I'm sorry, I'm just tired so everything seems funny."

"That makes no sense, and if you're tired go to sleep."

"No, I'll hang up once you get back home safely." He yawns.

"You're so sweet but um my phones almost out of battery." You say looking at your 4%

"Oh come on Y/N couldn't you have remembered your portable charger before coming to the library?" He groaned.

"My bad! When I left around 5pm today I had 92% I swear but now it's suddenly 4%!"

"It's alright I'll hang up so that if you are in danger you can at least call the cops with your 4%." He sighs.

"I'm sorry I'll let you know as soon as I'm home." You promise.

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