I've already made up where I'm taking Angelo. I definitely can't take him home, he'd probably have a heart attack and then kill me. But that didn't mean I would take him back to his own apartment. He definitely needs comfort after that ordeal. It doesn't take a genius to piece together that he was having a panic attack earlier.

The perfect place to take him is definitely the place I'd run away to as a teenager. It's both my escape and sanctuary, plus there's killer food. A small yet cosy restaurant bang in the centre of New York.

Technically, I'm the current owner but I don't see it like that. The actual owner is a tiny old lady, that told me stories about her homeland. Always feeding me her countries delicacies and teaching me to be patient.

Her name is Hana. She'd kill me for her calling her old. I chuckle to myself, continuing to stroke my angel's hair as soft snoring leaves his mouth.

Hana would love Angelo, she'd feed him until he couldn't move anymore. She has always been a proud and fierce woman. A couple of years ago, her grandson got into a terrible accident and they didn't have enough to pay the medical bills. She took it upon herself to find a solution. All she wanted was a loan but instead found herself a victim of loan sharks. They kept hiking up the interest, every time she couldn't pay. It all ended when I caught them cornering her in a dark ally.

Let's just it didn't end well for them. I begged her to let me give her the money but she wouldn't have it. Instead, she wanted me to buy it from her. Her reasoning was that she loved cooking and seeing smiles on faces but hated the finance side to it.

I bought the building and haven't regretted it once.

The familiar golden lanterns hanging outside act as an early checkpoint. Alerting me that we're nearly there.

A somewhat agonising task awaits me. I have no choice but to wake my angel up from his deep slumber. 

"Angel," I whisper stroking his tear-stained cheek.

No response at all.

"Come on time for food," I softly add a bit louder this time.

The snores get louder as do my suspicions.

He's definitely purposefully ignoring me. Two can play at his game. I know exactly how to wake up this naughty angel. My mouth moves right next to the shell of his ear, my breath caressing him gently.

" Come my angel baby."

In an instant, his eyes pop open but his head remains in my lap. Cheeks turning a deep scarlet shade encapsulating the freshly bloomed roses of spring. The guilt spills from him like an overflowing sea. My gut is telling me that he's been awake this whole time, playing me like a broken fiddle.

"W-Why were you touching me," he shyly stutters out. The cuteness doesn't convince me of his innocence. I know a guilty angel when I see one.

"You were awake the whole time weren't you," I accuse with a smirk.

He glares in response.

"N-no," he desperately tries to defend as his face scrunches up in anger. The little beauty's head is still firmly resting in the enemy's lap.

Time to annoy him into a confession, "Yes."

"It doesn't matter if I was," he shouts, clearly fed up with my determination.


"Then you enjoyed it right?" I smirk, amusement fresh in my mind. He turns his face away from my eyes. Clearly trying to avoid getting caught out for liking me a bit more than he lets on.

But red ears tell no lies.

I tangle my fingers in his hair like a delicate dance as we continue the journey.

Only stopping when we arrive.

"We're here, Sir." My driver informs me.

Angelo jumps up, finally realising there's company. I would've pulled him back down if we weren't already here. He shuffles about, frantically fixing his clothes and hair. Adorable.

I swing open the door and then look towards him as I speak, "Come on."

"I thought you were taking me home," he inquires in a daze taking in his surroundings. The lights of the busy food street reflect in his dazzling blue eyes.

"I will after, first let's eat," I promise him.

"This is technically kidnapping because I didn't agree to this," he adds with a mischievous grin.

I remind of earlier, "It isn't, because I'm your saviour."

Something clicks for my angel. No more angry comebacks or pushing me away. He leaves the car whilst turning his head in almost every direction. Clearly, checking if the coast is clear. Those idiots really scared him for no reason at all, he wouldn't have done anything.

He's too good to cause other people to suffer. Far too good for anything toxic. They might've seen him with me and decided to target him. I would need to find out what they know so he's out of harm's way. It seems as though someone is really playing a game with our lives. There's no way in hell that I'll let them win for a second time. I'm glad he chose to rely on me of all people.

"Thank you," Angelo mumbles from behind me.

Caught up in my head, I almost miss his appreciation. I and Angelo are such a juxtaposition. It's crazy that we're worlds apart yet whenever I look into his eyes a familiar pain greets me back. My wish is to unwrap all his carefully hidden secrets. To unravel exactly who he is under all those masks. Most importantly, to unleash my accelerating feelings upon him.

It's time to focus on the magnificent person in front of me.

Life's been hectic lately. Hope you are all well!

Things are about to get more serious and definitely a lot steamier.

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