"So, I'm sure you've discussed this with our sons, but as the previous Kings and Queen, we would really like to know what your thoughts about your role as Queen would be, if you were to be chosen?" William said in that hot voice of his. I smiled very widely looking at William before looking at Jasmine whom nodded looking at me.

"Before I do, I would like to apologise if I call the Kings by their names without the King title, I'm so used to calling them by their names." She said and I nodded looking at her. "I have discussed this with your sons indeed. I uhm, I." She let out a small breath as she didn't know when to start. "I think it would be better if I explain my backstory a bit, as it clarifies a lot about my plans." She started and I nodded excitedly. "I know the most from all of the Process girls about my life before the Process, according to my coach." She said and I stared at her in interest. "I was taken seven years ago, from Ghana." She said and I stared at her in interest. "There was a civil war, as the three of you must know, and uhm I went to the village one day, leaving my four sisters, three brothers and parents at home, to sell some of the milk from our cow that we had." She explained and I took a bite of my food as this was interesting. "When I came back, the rebels had killed my whole family and taken our cow." She said and my eyes widened right away. "I was taken to an orphanage and then uhm, then after about two months the Locatlie forces took me and brought me to Gotar Prison. I stayed there and they did a bit of the mind cleansing, but I obviously do know where I am from." She elaborated and I nodded.

"Of course." William said. "Totally under stable. I am so sorry you had to suffer through that at such a young age." He said and she stared at him and a small smile appeared on her face.

"I met King Trevor once, he said the same thing." She said with a small smile and I felt Hugo's hand on my back. "Anyway, uhm, I think it wouldn't be smart to talk about him as we would all start crying, at least I would." She said and somehow that made me giggle and she smiled back at me. "So uhm, to go back to your question about what my plans as Queen would be, is that I think it's hard to say that right now. I want to focus on the orphanages here and implement something there, but I think that the Kings would know best on where I could focus on." She said and I loved hearing her say that. "I would, even if I'm only 19 years old, want to have children right away, if Seglusa blesses me with that. I practically raised my siblings and I love children so uhm yeah." She said and she shrugged. "I want what is best for the country, and if my husbands think I should shed more attention to a particular thing, then I'd do that. I think that the wishes of the Locatlie people and the government are ever-changing, and I am adaptable in that way. But in the first couple of months, until at least the summer, I would love to just concentrate on my relationship with your sons, as I think that's most important." She said and I nodded, as I loved hearing that question.

"What about internationally?" Hugo asked, of course he asked about that. She nodded as she had just taken a bite.

"I uhm, I talked about that with Daniel- King Daniel, a bit. I also as a group did of course, but mainly with Dan, as he is you know the King of International affairs." She said and I loved hearing her say Dan. "And I think that I would want to be public with the use of Social Media, but I'm not sure if I would want to go on foreign trips, as I'm afraid that Daniel would- King Daniel, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. You can say Daniel." William said and Hugo stared at William, but Will ignored that.

"I'm afraid that Daniel would focus too much on making sure I'm safe, that he might not be fully focused. He even admitted himself that that would probably happen. I think that if it were summits where all my then husbands would be required to come, that I'd obviously join." She said and I smiled at that. "Unless I'm pregnant or have a newborn child of course." I nodded at that. "But yeah, maybe through social media. I heard that Instagram was implemented here in Locatlie, but only for Locals from Locals, so that's great. I wouldn't mind shedding more light on Locatlie through social media world wide, with the permission and with confirmation from my husbands of course." She said and the way she was saying all of this, it was as if she really thought this through. William and Hugo nodded at that with a small smile. "So yeah, that's basically my plan I guess?" She said with a small smile and I smiled back at her and nodded as I gave her a wink as I then took another bite of my food.

The Kings of Hearts.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant