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I can't feel my fingers and toes, it's much too cold down here, I'm not sure how long Iv been in here maybe 2 or 3 days, I can only tell by the moonlight and when I'm brought bread and water, being treated like a proper prisoner. I'm feeling weak now I can barely move from my position on the floor, I must look shocking because the maid earlier begged me to apologise to 'her boss' you see I'm much to stubborn for that, why should I apologise for speaking my mind? I'd rather rot down here.

I barely even noticed the lights go on when I heard his voice echo around the room " you know all this could be over if you just apologise to me and accept your fate" the billionaire sniggered at me

" go to hell I ain't apologising what are you, five?"

" baby your in hell. Look around you it's cold and dark why not apologise baby girl then you can come up and sleep in that big comfy bed and eat the finest food"

The mention of food had my stomach rumbling, but I couldn't give him the satisfaction of apologising.

I simply turned back over and ignored him.

" your my property. Your mother sold you. There are things you don't know, Morgan. Things that would tip you over the edge. Your mother is a bad person she doesn't give a shit about you, nobody does"

He's trying to rile me " my mothers been dead since I was 7/8 now keep your mouth shut about her"

Trying to tell me my own mother sold me, my mom would do no such thing.

" let me go home" is all I managed to say

He laughed " morgan, baby girl, how many times. My father bought you for me. I'll let you in on a little secret around 13 years ago you was bought to marry me. So your mine, simple as that"

" I'm promised to the empire, not you, I'm the key to bringing 2 mafias together.. so screw you. Your a kidnapper who takes people for their own selfish desires"

He roared laughing " your funny baby girl. But if your not willing to apologise Iv got more important matters to attend to"

I didn't say anything, he'd mentioned my mother now all my memories of her filled my head I loved her and missed her so much, it's hard hearing someone say such evil things about her, my mother would never sell me Iv never heard such bullshit.

He turned on his heels and left, that mans cold he just left me here down here alone and weak, I couldn't help but let a lone tear roll down my cheek, how is this my life? Where's my father, Christian or Dylan where is everyone? Is nobody really coming for me? Maybe they think Iv ran away like I have done in the past, maybe I'll never see anyone ever again.

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