The club

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The night was going great me and Chloe were dancing the night away we'd had one too many drinks, it was about time I let my hair down I needed to relax and this felt like the right way to do it.

I stomped over to the bar many bodies pooled around waiting to be served I pushed a few out the way and plonked my bottom on the bar stool, I grinned to Joseph the bar tender " more shots please joe" I shouted over the music, " you've had enough now Morgan. I'm calling Lorenzo and your father"
He shouted back over the music, I pouted at him " ohhhh come on mr boring just 1 more teeny tiny shout" i fluttered my eyelashes but he walked off laughing.

As I looked round for Chloe I couldn't spot her the alcohol was seething through my veins, the room was spinning I was so drunk. I scanned the room for her when a sudden pinch in my neck caused me to whip round and my eyes met a young mans dark brown eyes " you just go to sleep miss Montez" I could feel my body going weary I felt heavy like I couldn't even open my own eyelids, my eyes shut on their own and the only senses I could grasp were sound I could make out distant shouting screaming gunshots, my body felt like it was on a cloud that was swaying from side to side, another whisper of a males voice " don't worry you'll be fine" then darkness.

As I regain my senses I realise I'm in darkness tired to something cold, I try to free my hands but they're tied too, just great " hello?!" I shout, I hear slight movement around me " Morgan?" I recognise that voice it's Chloe " Chloe see you ok? Do you know know where we are?!" I panic I can't see it's sending me into over drive not being able to see my surroundings.

" I don't know. I was drugged. All I remember is seeing Lorenzo your father and men in a shoot out with whoever taken us"

Who would take us? Many enemies I guess from both sides of the mafia. This is going to be fun, not.

A loud metal sound echos around the room and then a bright light which takes my eyes a few seconds to adjust to, I realise is now a door, a tall male looking figure walks in " sorry about the unPleasantries ladies. All will be explained in due course"

" who are you?" I asked trying to search for a face in the darkness

" what I can tell you miss Montez is that I'm not an Enemy I just want your help"

" if your not an enemy why kidnap me? Why drug me? And why cause a shoot out in my father in laws club?"

" oh you must be mistaken miss Montez, I can assure you my men did no such thing, I believe the shoot out were with Stan moretti's men looking for him. My men were waiting outside I just picked my right moment. As for the kidnapping I apologise but there was no other way"

" so why do you want us?" Chloe asked

" ah Miss Chloe Columbo, your a big part of something. All will be revealed. My boss will want to keep you tied up but miss Montez let me escort you to a nice room"

I scowled not that he can see me but still " no thanks. I want to stay with my bestfriend"

" very well. Food will be down later"

And with that the man turned on his heels to leave, leaving a small light on just enough to slowly light up the room. I feel like there's lots of secrets I don't know about.

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