Poisonous gas

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After the news of my father I'd headed home to tell my mother about my father she was gutted never left his hospital bed for the past few days.

My mother left me a cryptic message telling me morgan was fine and to not go after her she'll be back within the next month or two, she told me not to ask questions and that all will be revealed.
What is my mother up to? I decided to let it go and trust her.

Everyone was getting ready for the arrival of Mia, the girl Dylan is to wed, she's the daughter of another mafia don in Italy one of fathers Friends richardo.

I had a busy day today hunting down stan, but first I had to head to my fathers club, I should of been flying to London to sign a weapons deal but the London gang have had to fly over here, I'm thankful matteo is out of hospital and coming along with me.

Standing in the hall waiting for Matteo when he rushes over to me " Chris, eyes are on stan right now. He's heavily guarded but more of our men are on Standby what's your order?"

"Attack. Bring stan to the warehouse put him in a different cell to Sebastian"

Matteo nods and talks down his earpiece.

" you ready Vinny?" I shout to my new recruit

Iv had Dom training him for the past week since Matteo is out of action in that department, until his arm heels anyway, Iv had Charlie my best sniper helping him it looks like Vinny is an incredible sniper too, winner winner for me.

" any news on Morgan yet?"

" nothing but like Dom said we have no reason not to trust my mom she promised Elizabeth to always look out for her. So wherever she is she's fine. She'll be back soon. Iv learned not to ask questions where my mothers concerned."

Matteo looked at me shocked " and your letting this go? Morgan your just accepting she's gone fuck knows where for a month?"

" yes. It'll be for good reason maybe she's getting ready to take over the mafia? I mean that girl knows fuck all dom kept her locked away like some kind of Rapunzel princess. She's lacking the skills of a mafia queen, Dom's views are mafia queens like his daughter sit back and look pretty but the real mafia world they support their king. She's not just the mafia queen to my mafia she's the mafia queen to hers too it's a massive thing and she's non the wiser so I hope for her sake that's where she is, training"

Matteo nodded, Vinny joined us and we headed for the car. " you ready Vinny for your first meeting?"

Vinny looked at me and nodded, " Vincent, use your words"

" yes boss. I'm nervous but happy to be learning"

" are you sure you can trust this kid?" Matteo whispered down my ear

I just nodded, I know I can trust him, he's going to become one of my good men, Iv watched him train he's brilliant.

" don't question me Matteo" I whispered back.

Matteo put his arm up in defence.

" I'm expecting this meeting to go smoothly but theres always going to be a threat of something going down so remember boys, Vinny listen carefully, always be on your guard have your gun handy, my men will always be spread out everywhere always on guard anyway. Don't.trust.anyone"

We pulled up at my fathers club, my men spread out around the club. On entering we were led to the very back of the club to my father back office where meetings take place.

We sat on a circular table, I put the contact and the paper work in front of me, checking my watch " they should arrive soon"

A small petite girl hurries into the room " hi my names Sofia I'll be serving you. What drinks can I get you mr moretti? Food will be served shortly"

" bring a bottle of my fathers best bourbon. And a jug of lime water please, Sofia"

The girl stared at me, I could tell she was feeling intimidated by mine and my men's presence.

" well fuck off then" matteo said

" woah matteo whats pissed you off" I laughed he doesn't really snap like that

" she was doing my head in staring like some fan girl"

Louise the manager of my fathers bar enters " sir mr west has arrived "

" great bring them up"

I sit back in my chair and wait for Karl west to join me with his men, we're going over a weapons deal. No trouble will come of him I'm good friends with his son Tyrone.

" Chris. Stan got away. Our men have lost him"

I bang my hand on the table " fuck sake that's not good enough. We will deal with that shit after the meeting"

I just hope Morgan's safe, wherever she is.

The men enter and sit down, " nice to see you Karl, how's Tyrone?"

" he wanted to come but as you know Maria is pregnant she's due to give birth any day now"

" congratulations grandad. Anyway shall we begin?"

We talk money and the weapons, then we talk about my father and his condition in hospital the situation with stan, Karl's offered to help with the stan problem he's always hated him.

Signing over the paper work chatting between ourselves when we all stop and look at each other, we could hear screaming and gun shots.

Matteo spoken down his earpiece " get your weapons ready we're under attack"

I stood up immediately going for my gun, me men and Karl's were everywhere with my back against the wall I looked out the door into the club, people were running and screaming, my men were firing at the men shooting us I quickly head out to help my men, a bullet shoots past my face nearly hitting my skull, I duck down and fire some shots hitting a few of the attackers, times like this i wish I'd wore a earpiece.

Matteo ducks down next to me " there's more of us then the attackers. Im thinking stan"

" STOP!!!" I hear a voice say, I'd recognise that voice anywhere, matteo goes to shoot him but I stop him " see what he has to say"

" give me my son and all this war stops" stan shouts

A bullet is shot at him but he just laughs " bullet proof vest dumb arses"

Before anyone can say anything he throws a canister and all this gas comes out, I grabbed matteo and ran pulling Vinny along with me " Karl" I shout as he runs towards me and we make it out the back entrance with many of our men following behind.

We all gasp for air as we reach the open air, Quickly filling our lungs.

" deadly gas" Karl says trying to get oxygen back through his veins

" twice that fuckers tried to kill us. Matteo get our men on the hunt for him ASAP I want him dead

"And I'll get mine. Send me a picture of him most of my men don't know him" Karl says bent over trying to breath

All of our men scatter off to do their assigned jobs, that fucker will die.

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