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Dylan pov

" how am I suppose to relax when Morgan's been taken? And we don't even know who by?" I snap walking up and down the corridor outside Christians hospital room, it's a good job this part of the hospital is private. " she missed him waking up so she could get drunk. I'm gonna kill her" I couldn't calm down I was livid that she'd been taken and she knew my brother was being woken up.

" keep your voice down. He doesn't know she's missing youll be setting him off. All we know right now is this person is very clever they taken her the right moment it kicked off it's got nothing to do with stan. Our men are doing everything dylan just calm down" Matteo says looking in Christians room and then back to me, he didn't know Morgan was missing having him panic was the last thing I wanted, he needs to recover.

I inhale and rub my face with my hand " I love her. If anything happens to her I don't know what I'll do"

" I know Dylan but acting like this won't change the fact she's been kidnapped. Go get a coffee or something I'm going in to see Chris" Matteo says as he headed back into the room.

I did I headed to the coffee shop at the far end of the hospital, I seemed to be the only one who seems bothered about Morgan being missing, well that's how it feels anyway.

I grab my coffee and take a seat, I'd hired my own pi maybe they'd get the job done of finding Morgan and that friend of hers Chloe, my mother father and Dominic had been missing in action gone for a few days Matteo says they've gone looking for leads to find Morgan, something feels off like they are hiding something.

I just couldn't settle the love of my life is missing how am I suppose to relax knowing this?

I head to my fathers club to look over cctv yet again, the clubs been shut for the past few nights so nobody should be there.

As I pull up I notice there's a light on, I grab my gun and slowly make my way inside " it would be incredibly stupid of you to go in there alone"

" Jesus Matteo you scared me. You following me?"

Fucking Matteo scared the shit out of me creeping up on me like that. " sorry I seen you leave. Had to follow you. Christians asking questions about Morgan he knows somethings up"

" let's go in here have another look at the cctv and then we will decide what we tell my brother"

We both nod and silently make our way into my fathers club, all the mess had been cleaned up including the gun shots that once covered the walls.

We both listened to the sound coming from the office which had the cctv in, Matteo slowly went over the floor and kicked it open.

"Joseph? What you doing?" I asked as I looked over the computer I'm pretty sure he was deleting footage

" the bar tender?" Matteo asked looking between me and joe.

" there's so much more to this then you think. I can't have you finding anything out"

Matteo held his gun up to him, I motioned for him to put it down " hang on so you know who's taken Morgan? And you was deleting footage. You see how this is a problem for me don't you?"

The bartender shrugs " Iv been paid my family have the money. Iv done my part. Do as you wish" and he put his hands up in defeat

" hang on, your telling me someone has paid you to delete the footage? Anything else you care to tell us?" Matteo seethed aiming his gun at the bartenders head.

" I owe you nothing Matteo. But please dylan apologies to your father for my part and for betraying him. I don't know who's taken her I just helped in the matter. I was very fond of Morgan"

Matteo smacked joe right in the face causing him to fall and smack his head off the table. " get him in the car he may be of use" Matteo said as he grabbed him by his arms. " grab his legs Dylan"

We both throw him in the back of matteos suv and drive off to the warehouse, stan and Sebastian had been moved back here so they could be guarded 24/7.

" Dylan I just need to say how you've changed these past few months. You've gone from my naive little 19 year old cousin to this badass man. I thought you wanted no part in the mafia?" Matteo said as he started the suv

I won't lie his question caught me off guard, I didn't want any part in the mafia but now I do, Morgan's part of it and I went to be too.

I looked down at my gun in my hands I hesitated a moment before finally replying " I didn't. I needed to be strong for Morgan I'm sure by now you know how I feel about her, I was going to move away from the mafia life be with Mia but I now know it's here I need to be in the mafia. My father doesn't know I want to be part neither does Chris so please don't tell anyone yet. I was this naive kid but Iv been training.. I know what I want"

Matteo half smiled " look buddy everyone knows how you feel about Morgan but.. you do realise you can't be with her.. her mafia marriage is with Christian it's always going to be him, she's promised to him.. are you ok with that? Being part of their mafia while he marries her?"

I held my gun until my knuckles turned white of course I knew I couldn't really by with her, but I'd do anything to protect her. " I know Matteo but I'd do anything to protect her just like my brother would. I'll always love her and my love for her will always ensure I protect her"

Matteo nodded but didn't reply instead he drove to the warehouse in silence, I hope we get some information from this fucker.

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