Uncovering Secrets

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"Oh, Asami, no." Korra laughed. "You have a terrible case of single dad syndrome. All you can tell are God awful dad jokes."

Asami was not amused. "I'm not a single dad." She answered. 

"You're just proving my point," Korra chuckled.

Asami pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to contain her annoyance. "Can we just drive?" She mumbled. 

"Of course," Korra said, opening the door to the passenger's seat, "ladies first."

"Does that logic work when we're both women?" Asami questioned, sitting down.

"Jesus you woke up annoying today huh?" Korra muttered.

"I'm always annoying, thank you very much." Asami scoffed.

"No argument here," Korra said, shifting to 'drive'. "You should probably  wear your seat belt though. Y'know, gays can't drive at all." She joked.

"I'm a race car driver actually," Asami said, looking out the window.

"Should I be worried?" Korra joked.

The rest of the drive went by pretty much in silence. In fact, the two haven't exchanged another word, until they had a parking crisis where there were absolutely no available spots, which infuriated them both.

"Okay, there's no way we still can't find a parking spot." Korra said, irritated. 

"If you don't believe me, take a look for yourself." Asami was so close to losing her shit. "I'm telling you, the only spot available is handicap parking."

Korra looked over her shoulder. "Only one?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, why?" Asami asked.

Korra sighed. "Nothing," she said, taking a turn, "sorry about that. I'm sure we'll find a parking spot soon."

"I'm not as optimistic as you are." Asami shook her head.

They did find a parking space eventually, and only had to walk about five streets to arrive at the restaurant, fifteen minutes late to their reservation, so they had to wait for even longer before they were finally sat down. This wouldn't have been that bad, if they hadn't been completely silent this entire time.

Like, Asami didn't want this to work out, but this was way too awkward. 

"So..." she started as the two sat down, browsing her mind for potential conversation topics. "Oh! How was your group thingy?"

Korra seemed surprised, like she wasn't expecting this question at all. "Uh, it was... alright."

"What even is it? Like, for what?" Asami asked, really not knowing what else she could talk about.

"Well..." Korra searched for words. "It's like... for people with ptsd."

"Oh, so like one of the groups my therapist tries to force me into joining?" Asami asked curiously. 

Korra moved uncomfortably in her chair. "Not exactly..." she mumbled. 

"I... don't follow." Asami blinked.

"It's basically for veterans," Korra admitted, "and since there weren't any wars within Republic City in recent years..  I doubt you served in one. Like, It's just me and a bunch of old ass people."

"Oh," Asami absorbed the new information. Wow, she really knew absolutely nothing about Korra. "You're a veteran?"

"I am," Korra affirmed, "I served in the south if it wasn't clear, not the United Forces."

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