The Girl From Last Night... Again

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Asami had the worst headache in the history of headaches, to the point where she could feel her heartbeat in her head. Her eyes felt dry when she opened them, and her vision was blurry. She had the most disgusting taste imaginable in her mouth, and immediately upon waking up, she felt nauseated.

God, how much did she have to drink?

"I see you're finally up."

Asami jolted upwards from the surprise, eyes widening when she saw Korra, standing right next to her bed with a cup of tea in her hands. She was still wearing her outfit from their date last night, which was now sloppier and slightly dirty. So what...

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Asami exclaimed, pulling the blanket up in a form of protection.

"Shit. I was hoping you could answer that," Korra sighed. Then extended her arms towards Asami. "Tea?"

"Did... did we..?" Asami blushed furiously. That was the last thing she needed right now! If her dad knew about this...

"I doubt it," Korra answered with a shrug, "I woke up on your couch."

Asami breathed out in relief. "Good," she said, "Uh, no offense."

"None taken," Korra shrugged, "now, do you want your tea or nah?"

"Do you always break into people's apartment and make them tea?" Asami joked, taking the tea nevertheless.

"For your information, you had a nightmare," Korra informed her, "I was just being nice."

"Oh, thanks," Asami took a zip, "that's really sweet."

"Oops." Korra rubbed the back of her neck nervously, "I didn't know how much sugar to put in."

"Not the- the gesture!"


Asami laughed. At first, Korra just looked flustered, but soon enough she loosened up and joined in on the laughter. It was quite nice actually, joking around together, it felt really nice.

"So," Korra started after the two had finally calmed down, "do you... remember anything from last night?"

Asami had to mull it over for a second or two. "I remember some," she decided, "what about you?"

"I uh..." Korra scratched her hair, "I remember seeing you, then buying you a drink... then I think we might've danced together?"

"I remember that too," Asami confirmed .

"Then I remember Opal trying to sleep with you," Korra said, a little bitterly.

"Oh, yeah." Asami remembered. "Why did Opal try to sleep with me?"

"Apperently you caused her to question her sexuality or something," Korra chuckled, "and she's a terrible friend."

"That she is," Asami mused, "anything else?"

"Nope. That's about it." Korra answered. "I was hoping you could fill in the blanks."

"Let's see," Asami tapped her chin with her index finger, "we were dancing, drinking... then you kicked Opal away..."

"I do remember that yes," Korra nodded.

"Then I teased you about it," Asami continued, "then we just sat by the bar and talked, and then-"

The memory hit Asami full force. Her and Korra laughing, talking about their unsuccessful date, and their short, tender kiss that quickly evolved into a heavy and passionate makeout session in the bar's bathroom.

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