Jealosy, Jealousy

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Asami was having a pretty normal day. It was around eight P.M, she just got back from work and decided to take a walk outside. It was nice out, and she could use a clear head. 

She strolled around in the park closest to her house, taking in the fresh air and the noises of the night. She was quite fond of taking walks, it really helped relieve her stress from work and distract her from life in general. Plus, other than martial arts, she didn't really exercise regularly, so this made her feel better both physically and mentally. Right now, she was completely and utterly calm, wich was a rare occurrence for Asami. She always had something going on, at work, in her family, in her love life, but not now.  This was Asami's time to just relax, admire the star light and simply exist, with nothing in particular going on in her life.

That, until she saw Korra sitting on a bench.

This was especially odd considering that Korra didn't live anywhere nearby. Granted, she didn't live that far away either, but it wasn't close by any means. And definitely not close enough for her to just hang out in this random park that was minutes away from Asami's place. All of this didn't sit well with Asami. Besides, Korra had never been to her apartment, so how did she even know to be there? This was either a very odd coincidence or a highly upsetting occurrence, and Asami was not in the mood for that type of conversation. 

At first, she decided on just walking away and pretending not to notice Korra at all. She knew Korra was a decent person, a nice one even, but her frustrations at the sucky situation the two were in deterred her away from ever liking the girl. So, to say Asami didn't want to talk to Korra would be an understatement. However, she changed her mind mere seconds later, when she heard a girl's laughter from Korra's direction. 

Korra laughed quite a lot, and this sounded nothing like Korra's adorable, lively laughter. No, this was someone else. More specifically, some other chick. 

This convinced Asami to look back and give the bench a second look. As she did, she actually noticed another girl she had previously missed. She was sat next to Korra, the distance between them practically nonexistent, with Korra's arm rested on the girl's back support. And the worst part about this was, that said other girl, was actually pretty hot. Dammit!

Sure, Asami didn't want to marry Korra, and she was quite relieved when Korra suggested that they don't go exclusive right away. Still, in a way, she felt slightly territorial over her. After all, Asami was a very, very possessive person. If something was hers, she would rip it out of an armed soldier with her bare hands if she had to. And even though she wasn't particularly happy about Korra's status in her life, a certain part of her mind still perceived the woman as something that belonged to her in the long run. That, because the two were bound to be together at the end. And that part, that saw Korra as hers, was furious. Especially since it was so obvious those two on the bench were a thing.

This girl just had to be hot, right? Korra couldn't be fucking with some stinky ass man. No, she had to have class.

Well, Asami couldn't conclude for sure whether or not Korra was messing with her, but if this was a game, Asami was going to win. She never lost in anything, she always got what she wanted, and she had a plan.

Of course, before she did anything drastic, she called Mako. Not because she thought he would talk her down her from doing so, but because she was absolutely certain that he would encourage her impulsive, reckless behavior. After all, that's what friends are for, right?

"Heyyyyy," he answered the phone cheerfully, "what's up?

"You'll never believe what Korra has done this time." She said sternly.

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