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This was it.

This is the day Asami's life ends.

She was currently sitting in her room, rubbing her aching temples from the hangover she suffered. Her dad told her to wear something nice, so she was debating whether or not she should actually do that or to just wear a trash bag and hopefully disgust whatever rich, boring man her dad had set her up with to the point where he absolutely refuses to marry her.

She groaned. Why did she even agree to that?

Oh, that's right, an overwhelming amount of pressure from her dad as a result of being single at the seriously old age of...

Twenty seven.

Sure, she never really brought anyone home, but that was mostly because, well... 

She was gay.

Well, Bi, but she never saw the appeal of dating men really. Men were... alright, she just preferred girls. Also sex with men was boring as fuck.

And since her dad was super traditional (he literally pressured her into an arranged marriage) he didn't know, and Asami never planned on telling him. Besides, it's too late.

As if on cue, her father knocked on her bedroom door.

She groaned. "Come in!"

As expected, her dad walked in.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses?" He tilted his head. "Don't you think you should put your eyes on display? You have such pretty eyes!"

Asami deadpanned, taking off her glasses and staring at him with her red, hung over eyes.

He scrunched his nose in disgust. "Never mind."

"Wow dad you're so funny!" She said sarcastically, placing her sunglasses on the bed. "I still can't believe you talked me into that."

"That's just what people in our status do Asami," he shrugged, "besides, your mom and I got an arranged marriage, and we were extremely happy together!"

"Yeah, but then again your marriage lasted for exactly seven years," Asami reminded him, standing up and folding her arms.

He blinked, shocked. "Because... she died Asami," he said slowly,"not because we weren't a good fit."

"My point still stands," Asami argued.

"I think you just need to just give it a chance," Hiroshi urged, "we're only meeting the family today, if they're shitty people or something, we'll call it off. I promise."

Asami squinted her eyes. "And if I don't like them, we'll pull out?" 

"Of course," Hiroshi smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder, "I want you to be happy Asami, but I trust my decision completely. I know my daughter, and I'm certain you'll find the appeal in who I chose."

I doubt that. "Fine," she rolled her eyes, "I'll be on my best behavior."

"That's my girl," he laughed, "now, wear something nice, we'll leave in ten minutes." He said, then pretty much sprinted out of the room. 

Asami's eyes widened. "Ten minutes?! How am I supposed to get ready in ten minutes?! I didn't even do my makeup yet!"

"Sucks to be you!" His response came from downstairs.

"Fuck you." She groaned, slamming her door. 

Turns out, her dad was bluffing. He didn't say a thing when thirty minutes later she finally came down, fully dressed and wearing a simple makeup look on. So he probably just tried to get her going, and it worked. Fucker.

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