The Rest Of Our Lives

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Asami stood before her father's door, nervously playing around with her necklace- a habit she developed in the last couple of days. She wasn't even nervous about him telling her off for informing him last minute that she was extending her vacation, she was more nervous about the other things she had to let him know about. 

Slowly, she raised her fist to knock on his door, breathing in deeply as she did. She had no idea what was waiting for her on the other side of the door, fury seemed the most likely. But, she had to face her father at some point, so she knocked. 

A muffled "come in!" came from the other side of the door, and so Asami did. 

Her father stopped typing as soon as she walked in, surprised to see her. He let out an over-exaggerated "Look who's here!" as she closed the door behind her and sat down, nervously tapping the floor with her foot. 

"Dad." She began, anxious. 

"Dad?" He sarcastically asked. "Oh! Sorry, I completely forgot I have a daughter. I just haven't seen her in months." He stared daggers at her. 

"It had only been two months, dad." Asami corrected. 

"You have some nerve coming to my office after ditching me like that," Hiroshi said, upset, "tell me, why shouldn't I just fire you?"

"Dad." Asami sighed, getting frustrated. 

"No, seriously, no employee has ever caused me such issues in the history of this company." He stated. "You have responsibilities here! You can't just take off and never come back, informing me a mere day in advance! You have a contract!"

"Dad!" Asami snapped. "I need to tell you something." She said finally, glaring so that he'd realize this was serious. 

Her dad leaned backwards in his chair unhappily. "Fine." He said despite himself. "What is it?" 

Asami breathed in to calm her nerves, meeting her father's annoyed gaze for the first time in their encounter. She had a lot to say, but where to start? What out of the many things she had to say was the least likely to give him a heart attack? This encounter had been so nerve racking to think about, that Asami refused to prepare in advance like Korra had been telling her to do. Her dad was about to flip the fuck out at the news she had to break, and she wasn’t completely sure if it was going to be a good flip, or a bad flip.

“Well?” Her father asked, impatient.

Asami wiped her hands on her pants, getting rid of the nervous-sweat building up in her palms and breathed in. She had no choice, it wasn’t something she could hide for long. Eventually, the truth will eventually come out, and it was better if she was the one to break the news.

“So,” Asami began,uneasy at the possible outcome of their current conversation, “let me start from the beginning.”


“I will. Let’s elope.”

Asami’s serious expression turned confused, then shocked. This managed to waver Korra’s confident smile. Did she not mean it? Why was she so persistent about it then? Who asks someone to marry them without meaning it?!

“Wait, seriously?” Asami asked, dumbfounded.

“I…” Korra didn’t know what to say anymore. Of course she was serious, but she didn’t want to freak Asami away by saying something completely crazy. “W-were you serious?”

“Of course I was,” Asami answered, confused.

Korra breathed out in relief. “Good.” She said, “Because so was I.”

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