The Good Old Days

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The color drained from Asami's face as she recognized the voice. Slowly, she turned around, already knowing who this voice belonged to. The moment she met those green eyes, she froze. She couldn't move, she couldn't speak, she couldn't even breath. She just stared wide eyed at the smiling figure, not even able to blink. 

"It's been a while," Shaozu said softly, as if nothing ever fucking happened. Maybe it really wasn't a big deal for him, "I tried to approach you, but you kept hanging out with your asshole roommate for some reason."

Asami wanted to punch him, or to run away, but she wasn't able to do anything other than stare at him in fright. 

"We should talk," he concluded at the lack of response on Asami's part, "you want to grab dinner? My treat."

Asami clutched her cup of coffee tighter, trying to stop her hands from shaking. She felt so pathetic. She knew MMA, she was even really fucking good at MMA, she could kick this guy's ass easily, how did he still have such a grip on her? How was she supposed to protect herself if every time she saw him on campus she froze? 

"She already has plans for dinner, sorry." Ella said sweetly from behind her. "Maybe next time."

Shaozu squinted his eyes in anger and annoyance, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't have witnesses to hitting on a fucking minor. So, he just scoffed and walked away, and Asami breathed out a huge sigh of relief.

"Thank you," she told Ella as her jaw finally unclenched itself, "I don't know why…" 

"The way you react to this creep is valid and reasonable," Ella stated sternly, "this guy is literally hitting on a fifteen year old in broad daylight! What a fucking pedophile."

Asami didn't like this word, even though it was probably correct. She hated all of Ella's vocabulary when it came to this situation. Pedophile, groomer, predator... It just made Asami feel like a naive child, like she was different. Which of course, she was, but she hated when it was brought up like this.

"I wish I could transfer." She said sadly. "I don't know if I'll ever be able to look at him without having a panic attack."

"You'll be fine," Ella said assuringly, "I promise."


Korra fell on her back, all sweaty and smiling in satisfaction. She was breathing heavily and clutching the blanket for dear life, her eyes locked on the ceiling.

"Damn, thanks," Korra finally managed to say, "you're really good at this." She complimented.

Asami smirked, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Why thank you, I've had some practice." She winked at Korra.

"Is it my turn to make you feel good yet?" Korra pouted.

"Um," Asami thought about it for a quick second, "No, not yet. Later?" 

"You're impossible, princess." Korra sighed. 

Asami pushed herself towards Korra, humming happily as Korra made room for her on her shoulder. Asami placed her head there and trailed her fingers across her lover's naked body, drawing circles around her nipples and making Korra shiver. She smiled in delight, as her favorite thing to do nowadays was Korra, and she loved making her body move the way it did. 

"So, what are our plans for today?" Asami asked out of the blue. 

"Orgasms." Korra deadpanned. "Lots and lots of orgasms."

Asami hit Korra playfully. "We'll have plenty of time to have sex when we get back," she complained, "I've only ever been in Republic City and Ba Sing Se, I wanna go do... Tourist... Stuff."

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