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Asami frowned at the doorway to Korra's apartment. She didn't know what was waiting for her at the other side, she assumed that Korra's dead body would lay there somewhere, but she couldn't know for sure.

In fact, it could be that this wasn't even the right place at all. Asami's memory was pretty foggy, and she only knew what the address was since it was on her search history on Uber from the night they... yeah. But obviously, it didn't mention her apartment's number. There could've been a complete stranger behind this door, but she wouldn't know, since she didn't have the guts to check. 

Suddenly, somebody tapped on her shoulder, snapping her back to reality. 

"Excuse me?" A female voice said from behind her, making Asami turn around to face a rather tan shorter girl. "Are you lost?"

"Oh," Asami blinked, "yeah, um, I'm looking for Korra. Do you know where she lives?"

"You're looking for Korra?" The girl squinted her eyes a little, scanning her suspiciously. Then, something that resembled recognition seemed to hit her. "Holy shit. You're the girl from the bar."

"Huh? How did you-" then it dawned on her. "You're the girl Bolin was with!"

The girl's face brightened for a second. "Bolin! That was his name," she said with a smile, "he was so adorable! You're gonna have to give me his number later." 

Asami chuckled. "Sure," she answered, "he'd love that."

"My name is Opal, by the way," she introduced herself, extending her hand out for a handshake.


"Wow," Opal breathed in, studying Asami in complete awe, "I just- wow. Sorry I'm so tongue-tied right now, but you're just... even more gorgeous up close."

Asami laughed awkwardly, cheeks burning. "Thanks," she said, embarrassed. 

"Look," the girl hesitated, "about Korra... if you were hoping for something with her, then I gotta let you know-"

"That she's engaged?" Asami completed simply. "Yep, I'm aware."

"Huh?" Opal blinked. "How would you even know that?"

"It's quite simple really," Asami said, trying her best to not sound bitter, "I'm the fiancée in question."

Opal's jaw dropped. "No way."

"Yes way," Asami said with an awkward smile, "weird coincidence huh?"

"No way hot stuff," Opal shook her head with a huge smile, "this is a sign that you two are meant to be."

Asami snorted. "I don't believe in signs," she answered. 

"Same. I believe in Senna," Opal chuckled, "this woman has taste..." Opal nodded in approval, checking Asami out again.

"Isn't Senna Korra's mother?" Asami asked in confusion. 

"Yep, that's the one." Opal affirmed lightly. "Anyways, why are you here? Any hot plans? Korra didn't say anything..."

"No hot plans," Asami shook her head, "Korra didn't answer her phone for like, two days, so I came here to check if she's dead, and kill her if she isn't."

"Oh, typical Korra," Opal rolled her eyes, "she gave me a key since half the times I come here she doesn't even notice, and I need to do laundry."

"You... do Korra's laundry?" Asami's eyebrows clenched. Was Korra one of these adults incapable of functioning as grown ups? That was... upsetting

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