The recovery

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"...I know you hate these, but the store ran out of everything else. Seriously, you know how hard it is to find flowers in the southern water tribe? It's ridiculous. My soldier's salary doesn't even cover half the price!"

Korra had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. The last thing that she remebered was Suro bleeding, and now she was babbling on and on about... flowers? What the hell had been going on? Where was she? Why couldn't she remember how she got there?

"I... well, I can't stay long this time. I just came in to change the flowers, the older ones were getting... well, they were pretty much dead. But I gotta go now, sorry."

She tried openening her eyes, but that was nearly an impossible task. It was like her eyes had been glued together, and she freaked the fuck out. She tried for a while, and thankfully finally she managed, but the light nearly blinded her. Why was it so strong?

"I'll talk to you later, okay? I love you y'know... God I really do hope you can hear this..."

When she adjusted a little bit, she managed to see a figure. Suro, she assumed, heading for the door. She looked to her side and saw a pot filled with sunflowers, literally her least favorite, and she couldn't help but snort.

"I'd rather you took a fat shit on the nightstand rather than put those ugly little fucks over here. Yellow is quite literally the worst color." She joked, and her voice and laugh sounded hoarse and weak even to her own ears. She thought she'd hear Suro laugh along any moment now, but it didn't happen. When she looked at Suro again, she was compeltely frozen.

After a few seconds, Suro turned around, pale with wide eyes. She stared at Korra in complete shock, which caused Korra to get suspicious.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Korra mentioned. Just then she noticed Suro looked different. She was still a little hazey, and couldn't put her finger on it, but she was sure something was not quite right with her.

"Is this real? Is it really happening?" Suro now sounded like she was on the verge of tears. "You're... awake? Holy shit, I have to tell Tonaraq!"

"Tell dad what?" Korra asked, confused. "God, I can't remember anything... where am I?" She tried getting up on her elbows, and Suro practically screamed at her to stay still, but she was a second too late. Korra had already tried moving, and then she felt it.

She felt pain that could only be explained by a flaming sword piercing through her lower back. She fell back down immidiatly, wanting to scream in pain, but it was so excruciating that she couldn't even do that. In a matter of seconds she was covered in sweat, her breath quickened and her pulse had risen. She could hear a beeping sound, but only just barely. Everything other then the pain was blurry, and the last thing she saw was nurses rushing  into the room, before passing out.

When she woke up again, she wasn't in pain. She could barely feel anything at all, she felt as if there was a barrier between her body and her consciousness, one that wasn't blocking her senses completely, but just enough for her to barely recognize her surroundings. She heard a few voices, her parents, Suro, and more voices she didn't recognize. She could tell someone was holding her hand, but it could've been pretty much anyone in the room.

She slowly gained back her consciousness, and the pain came with it. This time however, it was durable. Barely, but durable. She opened hee eyes after a few minutes, seeing her father talking with a few doctors, while her mother was holding her hand. Suro stood besides her dad, giving details of their last exchanges before Korra passed out. When her mother noticed she was awake, she called the doctors over and a series of questions and test had started.

"Do you know how many fingers I'm holding out?" Was the first answer asked by the first and possibly main doctor, while she was using a flashlight to look at her eyes.

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