The War

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Water tribe warpaint wasn't exactly camouflage, but since it was mostly white it acted as such anyway.

White. Everything's was white. The uniforms were white, the vehicles were white, the helmets and the vests were white, the snow, the forts, the camps... everything. They had olive uniform too of course, as well as beige and grey. That, in case they had to fight far from home.

But not this war, this war was anything but far from home. So they wore their white ass uniforms, which really fucking sucked, because white did a poor job of hiding blood stains.

How many red uniforms had she seen recently? She couldn't even begin to count.

The war had only lasted a week so far, yet Korra felt like a completely different person. When she looked back on her life, the things that bothored her and the things she complained about, she could hardly believe it was her. She practically cringed at herself for complaining so much about spending a month in sea. Sure, the living conditions were shit, and she got sea sick at least fifteen times a day, but she would take it over this any time. Heck, she'd rather spend years on a ship then let all this happen, even an entire lifetime.

She remembered descending back from the ship, finally on solid ground. She remembered the lights of Harbour City, how breathtaking it looked at night. Harbour city used to be the capital because it was the only city in the tribe. It's been decades, but it was still one of the largest, most beautiful cities in the south.

Well, it was.

Because here she was once again, in Harbor City. Or rather, what's left of it. She did say she got tired of white, but now she would give anything to turn the snow white again. Instead, it was grey from the cities ashes. There wasn't even one building left standing, and they had to wear special masks because of all the smoke.

Korra walked around the ruins, doing her best as to not cry. She was in a a search and rescue mission, she wasn't trained for that, but, the majority of the search and rescue unit had been badly injured in the re-bombing, if they were lucky. Truthfully, most of them were either trapped here, or they didn't make it.  Korra sighed, trying to find any signs of life, but she couldn't even imagine anyone surviving this.

"Hey," someone said from behind, and when she turned around she saw Suro, "how are you holding up?"

"Barely," Korra answered, her voice week and shaky.

"Yeah, I get it." Suro sighed. "This is..."

"We were just here," Korra said, starting to get angry, "two weeks ago, we were just here, and everything was fine!"

"This is horrifying." Suro agreed with an empty look.

Horrifying didn't even begin to cover it.

She then heard a bark, and turned around to see a white dog wagging its tail. More specifically, it was Naga, the dog assigned to her from the search and rescue unit. Korra wasn't her trainer, but her trainer...

As Korra said, most of the search and rescue team didn't make it.

Suro and Korra exchanged looks, and rushed to the dogs side. Naga marked that ruin, meaning that someone was buried there. It was a five story building at least. The chances someone had survived something like this...

She had to believe that it could be. Otherwise... she wouldn't be able to keep going.

"Good girl!" She told the dog, as Naga started to use her paws to dig. Korra immediately called for backup, while what's left of the search and rescue unit started taking control of the situation. Korra was one of the stronger people currently, so she helped clear some of the manageable boulders out of the way. It was a long, and tideous job, but Korra was determined. After this last week... she needed a win.

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