chapter 5

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"Tell us more about yourself sister" Said Marco as we sat down near the lake near our estate on a blanket. I had ordered one of my men to bring us some food out here. He brought us some pizza and coke along with some rissota and some fries. Odd combo but who cares. Food is food.

"There isn't much to tell about myself" She said. I noticed she hadn't touched any of the food, this was concerning.
I took a paper plate and plated it with the good stuff and handed it to her. She just took it but made no move to eat. So I did one thing I thought I'd never do in life, I fed her with my own two bloody hands.

"There has to be something to you Sophia. Everyone has something exciting about themselves. Enzo, over here he knows how to play the piano and sing. I myself love to cook and dance. What are you hobbies? " Asked Marco as he took a giant bite of the pizza slice . I swear half of the slice was in his mouth. Is he a monster or what?

"Before my dad began to look at me as if I was a business deal, I used to paint. I also love to cook and I kind of love  gardening" She said as fed her some fries with the cheese dip. She really had a small stomach.

"That's great. Maybe you and I can have some brother sister bonding time and we can cook up a storm for the entire household" He said and I noticed her stiffen a bit at the word household

"Of course on your own terms, your own time and without any sort of punishment or time limit" I added and felt her relax a little. Marco looked at her apologetically.

"I'd love to " She said as she took a sip of water. I noticed she didn't drink much of the carbonated drinks.

"How would you like to go down town and get some supplies for painting and gardening. We can set up your own little painting area in the spare activity room and also set up a small garden or greenhouse in our backyard for you. " I asked and saw her eyes light up.

"I would love that. I hope it's no problem for you" She said softly in her angelic voice.

"Of course not. Let's go tomorrow morning after breakfast. " I said and she nodded

"While you two go shopping I'll have some men clean out the room for her to use to paint. " Said Marco smiling.

We got up and my men took care of the blanket and food we left behind. Marco walked slightly ahead of us on the way back, shooting me a teasing smile. Yeah he knew I was fascinates by the girl standing next to me.

As we approached the mansion I realised the one thing I forgot

"Sweet heart. My dad will be home today" I said and she stiffened. It had been a week since she had been here and she was kind of attuned to the men in the house but was wary of new additions.

"Sis... I swear dad is really good. He would never let harm come to you. Trust us" Said Marco and she stiffly nodded not fully relaxed.

I walked her back to our room. Technically it was our room because we were sharing it. Even if I was on the floor. Look on k ow I have a couch in the room but I am longer than the couch, the floor is much more comfortable.

She sits down elegantly on the side of the bed. I walk around two the left side and sit down as well.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier about my dad coming back, it's just that I forgot and just remembered it in the morning. I swear I was going to tell you, I wanted you to feel comfortable here" I said and she nodded.

"I understand and I am sorry that I am causing some much trouble, it's just that for 3 and half years I was tested like an object and it's tough getting out from that. I know your nothing like them but I am still scared. " She said

"Hey, you have nothing to apologize for precious, I understand where your coming from and I promise no one would ever harm you ever, else they'll feel the wrath of Lorenzo Russo. " I said honestly

"Hey you sound like your brother, a week ago he said the same thing that of anyone messes with me then they would have to face the wrath of Marco Russo " She said with a small smile.

"I guess we brothers think alike" I said and she smiled.

"Who is the elder one between the two of you? " She asked as she passed me a glass of water and poured some for herself.

"Well we are twin but I am older than him but a minute" I said.

"Yeah he maybe older by a minute but I am the one with the brains" Said Marco walking in with a board game, the typical  Business international.

"Yeah but I got the looks" I replied playfully.

"But I got the bigger muscles" He answered

"Mine are bigger" I said telling my muscles.

"Sweetie.. Please tell my lovely brother that I have bigger biceps than his" Said Marco while walking upto Sophia and kissing her forehead.

"I am sorry Marco but Lorenzo is right, his biceps are practically begging to rip the shirt" She said and I smiled.

"See she is team Lorenzo" I said as I instinctive hugged her. She stiffened but then relaxed.

"I am hurt" He said pointing a fist to his chest dramatically like the drama queen he is.

"Anyways Marco why did you bring this game up? " I asked

"I was getting bored so thought of playing a game with you. From tomorrow we have a lot of work. Today let's play games and relax. After all Sophia is a new addition to our gang" He said

"She won't be joining the mafia Marco. She is too pure and innocent" I said

"Oh.. In am not talking about her joining. I mean mafia is our family, so she is a new addition. My girlfriend Mia will be back tomorrow from her trip to Vegas and when I told her about Sophia she was so happy to finally have a girl to talk to and do all those girly shit with. "He said as he laid out the game

" New York is mine"Sophia said as she handed the money for it

"When did you get a girlfriend Marco? " She asked.

"A few years ago. We met at a sanctuary in Australia. Not the most ideal places. I was just taking a walk around the sanctuary relaxing when a flock of EMU's decided to chase me. Mia saved me by pulling me into a corner. I guess I fell in love on the point with her beautiful blue eyes, sandy hair, milky skin and cherry red kissable lips but of course we became a couple a few months after that in a mission. That's a story for another time. " He said.

"I can't wait to meet her. I hardly had any women interaction after I turned 18" She said

"You will love her. She is bubbly and refreshing oh and did I mention that she already loves you. She saw your pic of sent her and she instantly decided that you were going to be her best friend" He said and Sophia smiled.

We played for a few hours before the door of our room opened and my dad and mom came in. I looked over at Sophia to make sure she was okay and noticed she was frozen. Her mouth open with a Pringle sticking out and her hand frozen in the bowl of Pringles. It was hilarious but cute

"Breathe baby girl" I said only to be shocked by life.

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