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Lorenzo POV

It had been 5 years since I married Sophia. She gave birth to a handsome boy whom we name Luca Lorenzo Russo.

My wife was now pregnant with our twins as she helped Mira breastfeed her first baby girl Amara Marco Russo. Yeah Marco and Mira married the following year after mine and Sophia's wedding.

I looked over to Chris and Kai who married a year after Marco married Mira. They had adopted a 6 year old boy Jayden along with his elder brother who was about 16 in age named kayden. Luca was playing with Jayden while kayden monitored them... They were playing table tennis and Kayden was making sure that Luca did not swallow the ball because he kept thinking that the ball was a small orange that forgot to grow.

Brendon married Lydia a year ago and were in Mauritius practicing the art of baby making.

I saw Sophia walk into the kitchen to make her self a snack

"Darling allow me to make you the pickle sandwich... Your 8 months pregnant.. That to with twins... It's risky" I said as I gently placed her on the slab and made her the cheese pickle sandwich... It's tastes horrible but Sophia loves it.

She smiled as I handed her the plate and gave her some orange juice to wash it down...

"Enzo... Can you tie my shoe laces please.. With a cherry on top? "

"Of course I can" I said as I bent down and tied her laces.

"Mommy daddy... How are babies formed... Kayden said... I was formed when daddy put his wee wee in mommy wee wee. " Said Luca as be ran towards me as I coughed and Sophia blushed.

"Uhm sweetie.... Uhm" I began

"Yess or no" Asked Luca

"Yes " I said blushing

"Eww.. I am not having kids in the future... Sorry mommy you can't be a granny.... The prwocess is disgusting" He said and I heard everyone outside the kitchen laugh at that statement.

"Okay darling no problem... When the time comes I think you will have a cricket team just like your uncle Marco has been aiming for" Said Sophia as she munched on the sandwich

One month later

I stood in the hospital room with Luca sitting next to Sophia as she held one of our twin boys whom we named Matteo our other boy Romeo was in Lucas arms with my arms below his supporting him

"He is so tiny" Said Luca as he started at his baby brother

"When you were born that's exactly what your mamma said" I told him

"Now that you have two more babies.. Will you two forget about me? " Asked Luca

"No darling... We won't... How can you even think we would forget about our precious Luca" Asked Sophia as she side hugged him with one arm with Matteo sucking in her left nipple .

"I saw in a routine video that a baby was born and everyone focussed on that baby and forgot about the other one" He replied

"Well we will never forget about you Luca. For us you, Matteo and Romeo are equal and we love you three equally. " I said and he smiled

"I will also love my baby brothers and protect them from everyone" He replied and we smiled.

Matteo and Romeo were born on our 6 th marriage anniversary and were absolutely cute just like Luca.

I had finally left the mafia world and stepped into the good side of the world and earned white money instead of black.

I may have left the mafia life but I still was the most feared man in the entire of Italy. No mafia tried to attack me because they new this papa was protective of his growing family and would hesitate to kill them if they tried to harm us.

Our entire gang entered the room to meet our twins while I saw Sophia close her eyes ready to sleep after the exhausting labour. I kissed her head and murmurred against her hair

"I love you mio amore"

"Love you to my love" She replied before she fell asleep.

I gazed up and saw my now new family... I guess I finally understood that family isn't what is blood formed it is the bonds formed due to Collision of hearts  that make out relations turn into family. I smiled as I saw all the people who managed to collide with my heart.

The end

A new story update: I've started with a series about supernatural and the first book of the series alpha Kane has been published. It's on going big I assure u updates are given every Sunday. Do shower your love on the series as well.

Ps : the name of the series is mystic series... It  will be having roughly 6 books.

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