🖤I Love Breaking You🖤

Start from the beginning

And there stood Jungkook who clenched his jaw at her words.

"But Y/n you're the rightful person to handle it and not only just rightful but also capable and potential enough to.. "

"But I am not brave enough to even think about taking care of my parent's hardwork " Y/n almost spat at Hazel and darted her lifeless eyes at her which made Hazel wordless.

"I don't have the courage and strength to even get closer to that place which my D... Dad and mum has built with their everything.. I can't... "

Her voice got broken which made everyone's heart inside that room to got shrugged in pain.

"But Y/nnnah...."

"No please, I don't want to talk about it anymore because I don't even left with that much strength now please.. "

Taehyung sealed his lips after hearing her shivering voice and her amber eyes to got pricked with tears which made him to gave up and stopped retorting against her .

He got up on his feet and exhaled, defeated...

"You're not a coward Y/nnnah so don't make yourself one.. " He uttered and then turned around and found Jungkook gazing at her silently.

Taehyung marched towards him and spoke.

"Now I am leaving for my work Kook.. Take care of her... " Taehyung said and without even waiting for his reply, he jogged out from that room because Jungkook got it that he got hurt too by hearing and watching her vulnerable state.

Hazel also just stared at Y/n's lowered head and then looked at Jungkook still staring at Y/n which made her to sighed and patted Y/n's head gently.

"We all are with you Y/n, in worst and in best... " Hazel stated tenderly to her and then got up and straddled towards the door but stopped beside Jungkook.

"I am also leaving Mr Jeon but with the only hope that you will make her understand that she's not alone...."

With that, Hazel also walked out from that room after stating those words to him whose eyes didn't left from her even for once but his ears heard each and every word of Hazel, Taehyung and even that silence of Y/n's..

Hazel left the room and Jungkook heard her closing the door behind him which made him to take a sharp breath and then took his feets towards her direction.

Her amber orbs constantly stared at the floor without even blinking until she felt that presence standing in front of her which she didn't even need to look to know to whom it belonged.

A soft sigh escaped from her mouth as she finally decided to stand on her feets because she didn't even have that much courage to be in his presence. So she stood up but didn't look at him.

"You can also leave because now I don't even left with that much strength to take my own life, Jungkook... " She said to him without looking at him and then took her steps to walk away from him but her heels got stucked at the ground when she felt his palm to wrapped around her wrist which made her to stop from further moving.

Y/n stood at her ground and then witnessed him to come in front of her without leaving her wrist but she didn't look upward at him until.

"Look at me....Y/n..."

She heard him saying to her with his calm voice but her eyes didn't dare to look at him which made him to sighed and then palmed her face and slowly took her face upward.

And his chest got tightened in pain when his eyes fell on her almost numb gaze which were threatening to spill tears but she was holding them back.

AMBIVALENCE : "I Love Hating You" ( Jungkook🔞+) Where stories live. Discover now