XVII. The Graveyard

Start from the beginning

He tried everything he could; his wrists were raw from the effort of trying to escape his binds and his right arm was cramping, having tried to reach for Riptide which, he realized with absolute horror, was not in his pocket. His head was still pounding as well. He tried making a rainbow despite the absence of both rain and sun, hoping to Iris Message someone - he didn't care who at this point. He even prayed to his father and every other god he could imagine in his head, Roman included. Someone. Anyone.

For the first time in a while, Percy Potter was scared, and he was scared for himself.

A great amount of time must have gone by in the dark. Percy was lightheaded, almost certain he was bleeding somewhere and he was desperately trying to keep himself awake and therefore, alive. Everything was spinning faster than his brain could follow.

And then... a pop.

There was gasping, panting. It came from behing the angel on the other side of the graveyard where Percy's eyes could not reach. He followed the sound, objects turning fuzzy as he moved too quickly.

"You okay?" Said a voice. Percy's eyes widened; it couldn't be.

"Yeah," answered the other. Absolutely not. "You?"

"Where are we?" It couldn't be.

"I've been here before."

"It's a portkey," Cedric's voice claimed, "Harry, the cup is a portkey-"

"I've been here before," Harry cut him off, "in a dream."

Percy tried to stand, get their attention, but his muscles wouldn't listen and he stayed where he was before, unable to speak, unable to move, unable to fight.

"Cedric," Harry continued, his tone firm but frightened and stressed, "we have to get back to the cup! Now!"

"What are you talking about?" Cedric questioned. Percy longed to hit him over the head. He moved quickly, kicking his feet against the ground; he felt like a child. It had worked though - Cedric looked over, ears pricking. "Who...Percy?"

"Percy?" Harry questioned, following Cedric's eyes. The boys were at his side at once; Cedric beginning to cast reversal charms on the ropes holding Percy against the stone. Harry hurriedly helped with the filthy material, visibly shaking. "Percy?" He whimpered.

Percy coughed, trying to keep his voice as low as possible. "Be quiet!" he hissed, "You have to get out of here, now, Cedric leave-"

"Don't you even dare say it," Cedric growled, "I'm not leaving you. We don't do that."

"You don't understand," Percy continued, glancing over his shoulder quickly, where the door was creaking open slowly, "You have to go now!"

"Not without you!" Harry added stubbornly, "Who's-"

He suddenly started to scream. He clutched his forehead, right where the lightning scar was etched into his skin, doubling over from the pain. A fire started beneath the cauldron. Looking back again, Percy saw the door was open and Wormtail was leaving the hovel, a nasty grin on his rat-like features.

"Harry!" Cedric called out worriedly.

"Get back to the cup!" Harry hissed, "Take him and go!"

"Absolutely not-"

"Argh!" Harry yelled in pain again, looking up. The other boys followed his gaze; Wormtail's entire form was eluminated now, as well as the bundle in his arms.

Cedric, the idiot, stood up, brandishing his wand towards them, standing alone. "Who are you!" he shouted, "What do you want!"

"Kill the spare..."

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