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i grabbed my laptop and got on omegle. i was currently home alone because my best friend, zion left to go get a drink or something.

i felt bad for making him mad but then again it wasn't my fault. i tried to explain to him that i liked girls but he wouldn't budge.

i turned on my camera and waited for a person to show up.

suddenly a girl with red hair popped up on the screen.

"oh hi." i greeted.

"hey. how are you?" she fiddled with her hair.

"i'm great, you?"

she nodded, "i'm doing fine."

we sat there in silence for a while.

then she spoke up, "what made you get on omegle? it's full of weirdos and men who like to show their dicks to the first person they see."

i shrugged my shoulders, "i dunno. i was hoping to make a friend i guess."

"well i guess it was good that you came on here today cause now you have me." she smiled to herself.

"you'll be my friend?"

"of course." she chuckled.

"you're really pretty, y'know?" i told her making her smile again.

"you are too. hey, what's your name?" she asked, leaning back in her chair.

"y/n. yours?"


"you have such a pretty name, amala."

"thank you, y/n."


a few hours had passed and me and amala were still talking. i looked at the bottom of my screen to check the time.

2:39 am

"damn it's getting late.." i mumbled.

"hey i forgot to ask you, where do you live?" i asked amala.

"san francisco, what about you?"

"me too! what part are you f- amala who is that?"

a tall figure stood behind amala, a few feet away from her chair. from the way they were built i could tell they were a man.

i sure hope that's her boyfriend

"who's wh-" before she could finish she was grabbed by the arm. she let out a loud scream that was quickly cut off by the person covering her mouth.

then the tall figure came to the screen.

my heart dropped.


"why am i not good enough for you y/n? i tried everything i can to make you mine but you won't budge! is this what it takes?"

his bloodshot eyes sent shivers down my spine.

the only words i could let out was, "zion let her go!"

he ignored me, "no one will ever understand! i thought you were different y/n but you're just like the rest!"

he pulled out a knife from his pocket, holding it up. "her blood is on your hands. if i can't have you no one can."

and with that he shut the laptop, closing out amala's terrifying screams.

the end.

𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐀, doja cat imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now