sad girl hours

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my eyes trailed over to amala as i watched her fiddle with her fingers. she's been acting like this for two weeks and she has yet to tell me what's wrong.

every day i would catch her sobbing into her knees and every time i would confront her she would just shake it off.

"mala? please tell me what's wrong baby." i wrapped my arms around my girlfriends neck and kissed it softly.

she sniffed, "nothing, i'm fine." a frown appeared on my face when she moved out of my hold and left the room.

i let out a sigh, "amala i'm not doing this with you today, you've been distant for weeks now, talk to me baby please."

i walked up to her, placing my hand on her cheek. she looked down.

"y/n?" her eyes met mine. "yes baby?"

she fought with her words, "a-am i ugly?"

those three words broke my heart. how could amala ask a question like that?

"what? no amala you're not ugly, what makes you think that?" i asked softly.

"look at this." she waved her hands up and down her body. "i don't see anything wrong with it." i told her.

"well i do." she sniffed, holding back her tears. "amala you're beautiful baby." i wrapped her into a hug.

her emotions got the best of her and she sobbed into my shoulder breaking me even more.

"you gotta stop being so hard on yourself baby. i hate seeing you this way." i said sadly.

"i-i'm sorry." she cried. "there's nothing to be sorry about baby. just know that i'm always here for you. please don't be distant, it breaks my heart and it prevents me from helping you."

i wiped her tear, "i just want you to be happy."

she smiled, "i don't deserve you."

"yes you do baby, you deserve the world." i wrapped her in a hug. "and one day i'll give it to you."

𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐀, doja cat imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now