My display of magic seemed to make the puzzle peices fall into place in Adams head. Only him and Ian knew of my magic, and they had only ever seen it be used for good. When Ty, Jason, and Quentin Began to scream and yell, Adam just walked towards me. 

"So, I guess they all know now, huh." He said while scratching the back of his neck. 

"Yah, I'll admit I did not expect it to play out like this." I responded. Our entire conversation so far has had a duet of 'Get away from him!'s and 'Holy **** Seto's a sorcerer!'s.

"So, what's the big deal with the whole spies, aether jewel, and running away thing." He asked.

"Once they quiet down I'll tell you." I spoke rather loudly so that they'd hear me, and the room went silent in an instant. "Thank you." I breathed, then began. "I'm a sorcerer, yah, whatever. No, it wasn't a choice, I was born with the gift of seeing auras, as well as purple magic which represents happiness, healing, wisdom, and strength. I have been an apprentice of sorcery my entire life."The look of shock on their faces were priceless, and I wasn't quite done just yet. "Brice and I have been learning together, training each other, and showing off new spells and potions. That's why I go to visit him so often. Oh, and for the spies thing, Ian and I were just role playing, we aren't actual spies." By the time I finished, the room was pin-drop quiet. 

Eventually the shock wore off, and Quentin whimpered out his first words in a while. "W-why were you guys role playing that?" I glanced at Ian, who answered for me. "We were doing a challenge. The don't laugh challenge to be exact, for who can make up the wildest story without smiling." He was such an amazing lier, they all beleived him. Ty still had a question of this own. "How come you're always those wearing glasses?" I watched as Ian's aura slowly turned a darker shade of orange, almost brown, but still orange. It was clouded around his head and torso, slowly but surely seeping around. I could tell he was thinking hard by the green and red sparks just above his head. He was about to answer when a distant sound of running could be heard echoing in the hall, getting closer and closer until two figures barged in, fully armed, alert, and prepaired to fight. A perfect distraction, just in time. 

"What's going on?!" Panted the nervous reck of a Mitch that was presented in front of us, along side an equally exhausted Jerome. They whipped their heads around, trying to understand the situation playing in front of them. Ian and I were quickly spotted, and attacked. They were obviously furious at us for some reason, and knowing Mitch, it's probably because of our dissappearance. 'Well, it can't get any worse, so why not.' I mumbled to myself as I swept my hands in front of me, casting a freezing spell on them. (Gotta admit, their faces were HILARIOUS!) It was only a temporary spell of course, just keeping them petrified long enough for them to see I had magic and for the shock to sink in. Time to explain myself, again. 

Time skip-a-de-do-dah until all is settled, and explained. 

By the time I had finished my story, and all questions about me had been answered, it was late in the evening and all were tired. All the pillows in the house soon had a head reasting upon them. I fell asleep in peace, no more heavy cloud weighing over my head. I was happy, free even, now that I no longer had such a secret. No more hiding. Hey, maybe now I can use my magic around the house. It will definitly help with the cleaning, that's for sure! 

3rd person view/ Narrarator

All beds were occupied, and all were asleep,

except for one man with an answer to seek.

He creeped into his room, while he was slept,

the man ment no harm, no tears, and no theft. 

The man was just curious, meaning no harm,

little did he know he should sound an alarm,

for the beast unleashed when he should wake,

can cause more death than the deadliest snake.

Most will live, and one shall die, 

all will feel pain, all will cry, 

three will feel guilt, one less than the others, 

and most shall grow to fear their brother. 

So run you clever boy, flee while you may,

or the ones you love won't see the next day. 

Fight the angel gone corrupt,

open things that collected dust. 

You can stop concealing, take off the gloves,

all you nee-

wait and see

the next will be

on 4/23

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