Chapter 11

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Warning: Blood

I woke up in a padded room. I didn't know what color it was, because I was in too much pain to open my eyes. I assumed it was the red one I always go to, but when I finally got myself to open my eyes and look around, I noticed that my surroundings had changed. I didn't want to get off the floor, as the pain was overwhelming, but I could still get a good look at where my mind was captive. It was horrible. The walls of the padded room were pitch black, with blood seeping through the cracks in the wall, and more of the warm, red liquid dripping from the ceiling. The floor was pooling with it, but no blood got close enough to stain my clothes. It was as if the blood was avoiding me, like a two magnets, both with the same charge. I closed my eyes again, praying for the agony to stop. I could hear laughter in the distance, slowly getting louder, closer, and as it did the blood would get thicker, colder, until I woke up to screaming. 


I was on the floor, glasses on crooked. I sat up groaning, holding my head to help keep it up against the migraine. My whole body ached. The screaming I heard was now mixed with crying, and it was coming from behind me. I straightened my glasses and turned around, only to see a bloody, bruised, and cut up Seto, bawling his eyes out. He was hiding behind the binding chair. "P-please d-don't-t h-hurt-t m-me." His words were barely audible. 

"Seto! What happened?!" I asked, fearing the worst and already knowing the answer. My words had caused Seto to calm his tears, and look at me. "I-ian?"

"Yah dude. It's me. Derp is gone now. You have to tell me what happened." I placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to flinch. I took my hand away, afraid that I had hurt him.

"Derp is stronger." He wimpered, obviously in severe pain. I didn't want to leave his side. "Th-the Derp I saw before was an animal, but now he is a monster." He could barely finish his sentence before bursting into tears again. 

"Shhhh, shhhh, Seto, it's gonna be alright dude." That seemed to calm him down a little. I didn't know how long I'd been out, and we need to get back to the dudes soon, before they do something irrational, but Seto can't exactly go anywhere in this condition, and I don't know anything aout magic, except for the whole all magic comes with a price thing. I picked up Seto, causing him to cringe in pain, but I calmed him down again as I carried him back into the spell room. I hadn't noticed how much blood he had lost until I put him down on a chair and looked at my now blood covered shirt.

'I need to heal him, and fast, before he dies of bloodloss.'

He had stopped crying now, but only because he was focusing his energy on staying alive. "How do I heal you?!" I asked him shakily. Seto murmured something indesipherable in response, and a purple glow surrounded one of the pinkish bottles on his 3rd potions shelf. I sprinted towards the potion, and pulled out the cork at the top as I was returning towards the injured sorcerer. 'If he dies, it's all my fault.' The guilt piled up in my mind as I poured the musty yet sweet smelling potion down his throught. A rosey glow surrounded Seto as all his wounds seemed to heal themselves, closing and returning to their natural color. The mans eyes shot upon, and his mouth formed a grin, until he noticed my clothes. "Oh my god, Ian I'm so sorry!" I shook my head. "No problem dude. A minor sacrifice for a major cause. Besides, I have more." A look of relief washed over his face. Now breathing clearly, he sat up straight. I was curious of what went on in the... room. "So what happened anyways? I woke up and you were hiding from me, all cut up!" I asked. Seto's eyes widened to much I thought his eyes would pop out of his skull. He soon relaxed again and took a deep breath, ready as he will ever be to tell me what Derp did to him. 

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