Chapter 4

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I woke up to the sound of knocking at my door. "Ian! Did you forget about the party or something?" A familiar voice yelled through the walls. 'Right!' I leaped out of bed and to the door to be met by the face of a very excited Mitch. 

"Where's Jerome?" I questioned. "It seems more like him to be the one waking me up for a party."

"Oh, he was too busy preparing so he sent me up to get you. C'mon, les go!" Yelled an excited Mitch while racing me down the hall, towards the living room, where the party was being held. We were greeted by Jerome, who basically just spat out a rushed 'hello' before taking Mitch by the hand and motioning for me to follow. We were lead to a couch and sat down, as Adam and Jerome began to talk. 

"Welcome to our getting-to-know-you party for our new buddy, Ian, of whom we just found out was from the Military!" Adam practically sang. I forced a smiled, and swallowed hard. 

"In an effort not to be living with complete strangers that we just picked up from the streets, our first game will be... drum roll please..." Jerome looked at Quentin, who quickly began. "Two truths and a lie! Followed by... Truth or Dare!" Everyone cheered, except Sub of course, he just smiled, and I did the same. "Sooooo... who wants to start?" Jason asked, looking around. I saw Ty looking at me, right before he said "I think Ian should, he is the new guy." and nods were seen all around. 

Looks like It's your turn Ian, I think I know what you should do...

I ignored Derp and began. "1. I was practicly raised by the Military. 2. My hair is actually a very light blonde, I just dye it. 3..." I didn't know what to choose, and Derp just wouldn't shut up, so I chose a very easy one. "3. My favorite color is blue." There, over with. Suddenly, a bunch of the guys began to yell out numbers, though most of them saying 2, Adam said 3. "It's 2, I'm a brunnette" I told them. 

We're a brunnette...

"Awwww... okay." sighed a slightly disappointed Adam, but he quickly perked up again. "My turn!" And so he began.


It was halfway through Jason's turn when a loud crash was heard in the Kitchen. We all jumped. Looking around the room, everyone was nervous. Mitch was curled up in a ball in Jerome's arms, hugging him, but they quickly let go of each other once they realized what they were doing, and Sub, Quentin, and I were the only ones who saw, and Sub looked like he was on the verge of exploding. Quentin whispered "#Merome" or something then hid behind the couch. Adam was crawling towards Jason, and when he got close enough, stuttered out  a quiet "Jason, I'm startled." 

Ty looked at me, then motioned towards the kitchen. "Well, Military man, lets go see who it is."

We silently tiptoed towards the Kitchen, and looked in. Standing there, wearing a black and purple robe, was a man I had never seen before, cooking a grilled cheese sandwich like he lived here or something. He looked younger than everyone else here, but only by a bit. I was about to attack him, but Ty grabbed my arm and motioned for me to stand and wait. What was he thinking?! He began to creep towards the stranger, smiling. He could be dangerous! Why was Ty smiling? Ty was getting close, and leaped onto the back of the stranger, yelling "BOO!" In a fit of laughter, they began to tackle each other. The others heard the noises, and their curiosity caused them to walk over. They stopped next to me once they saw who the stranger was. "Seto!" Laughter filled the room.

 "Where have you been all this time? You never really told us, and we've been missing you." questioned Ty, the apparently quizative one. Seto looked nervous, but played it cool. "I told you guys, I was on a trip with Brice. We went to London, and I would love to tell you all about it later, but I really want to eat this sandwich then have some rest." Seto replied. Was I the only one who could hear the fear in his voice? I could tell he wasn't lying, but he wanted to keep whatever happened there a secret, and I can respect that. "Who's the new guy?" Asked Seto, looking at me with interest. 

"I'm Ian. I'll be staying here for a while, and the dudes and I were just getting to know each other."

"Cool, cool." Seto walked to his room in the basement, bringing his sandwich along with him. I guess his room is in the basement. I wonder why. 

Sayyy... since you think he has a secret, you should do a trade. He tells you his,  you tell him yours. 

'Only in worst case scenario. Otherwise, secrets stay secret.'

The rest of the dudes were getting tired as well, so they slowly wandered back upstairs and into their rooms. Though I was also beginning to feel fatigue settle in, my curiosity drove me towards the basement stairs. 'I shouldn't be sneaking around like this.' but I didn't stop walking down the stairs. I could hear Seto talking to himself as I approached the door to his room. I put my ear to the door and listened. "I really miss you already." Then some murmuring was heard in a different voice. He must be chatting on Skype or something. My curiosity was satisfied, but I still couldn't seem to pull myself away from the door, and their conversation continued. 

"Yah, the guys here seemed to have gotten a new friend to stay here for a while. I think his name is Ian or something... he was wearing shades like Adam's, indoors... You could be right, why else would he cover his eyes...wait, what if he has something like Adam?... No, It's not that, his aura showed that he had something huge to hide... yes, I'm sure, it looked just like mine, same shape and shade... listen Brice, he has a secret, and it's dangerous, just like mine. His aura said..." 

I'd heard enough. This Seto guy could see aura's and he knew I had a dangerous secret, but so does he... 

I was right, you should do a trade. Secret for secret, maybe you could relate. 

'Shaddup Derp. I'm not telling anyo-'

"Were you listening in on me?" Seto angrily questioned, looking me in the eye. I was lost for words. He was carrying his plate in his left hand, and seems to have been about to bring his dish upstairs to the dishwasher. 

"I couldn't help but over hear your little chat with Brice. We need to talk." I sputtered out. He looked surprised, but let me into his room. 

'Time to tell my secret.' 

He lead me to a chair, and I sat down. His room looked like some sort of cross between an ancient chamber, and a high-tech more modern room. I looked at his mostly covered face and tried to read it. He seemed just about as nervous as I felt. 

"It's strange." He began. "I had lived here for so many years and this never happened, but the first day I come back, BOOM you're here, and... just... aurgh..." The cloaked man sitting before me covered his face with his hands, and I thought I heard a slight quiver in his voice. 

"Let's begin." I stated, ready to get this over with. 

Please, do take your time.

"Let's do a trade." He removed his face from his hands and looked up at me, confused, but listening. "A secret for a secret. You seem curious of my secret, so I can go first, but only if you promise to tell me your secret, and help me keep mine a secret from the dudes."

"Deal." He replied practicly immidietly.

Wiping sweat off my forehead, I toke off my glasses, looked him in the eyes, and handed them to Seto. "Hold on to these, do not lose them, no matter what." 

60... 59... 58... 57... Derp began to count down. 

Seto looked surprised, but even more so as I pulled handcuffs out of my pocket and cuffed myself to the other side of the room. I was beggining to see the red in the corners of my vision. I said 5 words to tell my whole story. "Those glasses keep this in."

20... 19... 18... I looked down, and the red clouded my vision.

15... 14... 13... I tossed the key to Seto. He caught it. 

 "Don't... uncuff... me... until... the... glasses... are... back... on..." I choked out before Derp toke control.

3... Seto looked terrified.

2... I could feal myself crumble to the floor.

1... Red.

I was gone. 

Secret SsundeeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang