Chapter 9

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Ty's POV

'No way, Ian and Seto are secret agents, looking for a jewel? And Brice is their commander?! That's why Seto goes to visit him so much!' I had to tell the guys. The stairs were a blur under my feet. I burst into the living room, gaining the attention of everyone, except Sub. He was very focused on his animation, but he soon noticed a lack of yelling and turned around. All the lights were on me.  I was out of breath, because running up the stairs just then was more exercise than I had gotten all week. 

"What's up buddy?" A confused Jerome asked while holding onto Betty as if his life depended on it, but there was no longer any threat of it being stolen, as Mitch was too shocked by my sudden appearance to pay any attention to the axe. I soon regained my breath and stood up straight, ready to tell my story. "Ever since Ian moved in with us, I noticed he had been acting suspicious. Talking to himself, staring into space, and the whole being raised by the military story seemed to be something he wanted us to know, to believe, and the fact that Seto just happened to return at nearly the same time as Ian arrived also caused me to gain suspicion of them. I just got back from listening in on their conversation-" "WHAT?!" I was interrupted by Jason, Adam, and Jerome, as well as getting big eyes from Sub.

"Just let me finish, okay?" I begged. 

"Fine, but it's rude to evesdrop." Jason wagged his finger at me like a disappointed Mother. 

"Thank you. I listened in on their conversation, and you won't believe what I heard."

Quentin nodded as if to say 'Go on.'

"They're secret agents, Ian is Sunday and Seto is Saturday, and Brice is their commander. They're looking for some Aether Jewel." I didn't expect them to believe me, and they didn't. Instead, they all laughed. "That's hilarious Ty, you're an amazing actor." Laughed Adam as he walked away, soon to be followed by everyone else, and Sub turned back to his animation, smiling. 

'How do I get them to bel-' My thoughts were interuppted by a slightly sad looking Quentin. "Ty is telling the truth." All the guys turned back to face him this time. "How would you know?" Questioned Jason.

"I c-caught Ian listening into your conversation before the party, through the vents. He looked scared, until he saw me watching him, and he said that he dropped something into the vent. Ian is an amazing lier. If I hadn't already known he was evesdropping, I would have believed him. I promised to keep his snooping a secret, and he looked so relieved, it was like I had agreed to spare his life or something. To me, it all makes sence. Ian's a secret agent." Quentin finished, looking down at the round in shame. The room was silent, and somehow even Sub was quieter than usual. 

"Thank you, Quentin, but there's more." I stuttered. "They knew I was suspisious, and they saud that they may have to... to t-take me out." Adam gasped. I wasn't done yet. "They also said that the new people that moved in down the street may be part of some dangerous Shadow Gang." I was done, and this time it was Sub who had something to say. He picked up his notepad and pencil off the desk and wrote. 'You mean Jordan and Ryan?' He was right. "Yah, them." I answered. The only sound in the room was of a notepad and pencil hitting the floor, then eventually Sub picked them up. Only silence followed. Everyones minds were flooding, but noone could speak. It was all too much. Looking around, everyone looked shocked, but Adam looked th most scared. "You okay, Adam?" I asked him. I knew about his eyes and amulet, I was one of the very few who did. I couldn't blame him for being terrified. "D-do you thing that the Aether Jewel could be in my amulet?" He asked, looking as helpless as a trapped puppy. "Maybe, maybe not." I answered. Seto knew, but Ian didn't, though Seto may have told him, and Brice, and, well, anyone really.

We all froze at the sound of voices in the basement, and footsteps slowly coming up the stairs, stopping, then going back down the stairs. We were relieved, but the relief was short-lived, as now two sets of footsteps started up the stairs. We all jumped into action, grabbing weapons and anything to protect ourselves, Jerome armed with Betty, Mitch with double kitchen knifes. Quentin had a frying pan, Jason with a spare TV romote & a pillow, and Sub, the clever one, made himself double blades by pulling scissors apart, a staple gun by opening up a stapler, and armor using a blanket folded and rappen around his torso, held secrure by his shirt.

'Holy crap, Sub is epic!'

Adam slowly backed up against the wall, empty handed, and scared for his life. He slowly reached into his shirt and held onto his amulet, ready to remove it at a moments notice. Seto, Jason, Sub and I were the only ones who knew Adams secret. Jason and I were his best friends, and he knew Sub would never speak of it to anyone, Seto was told because Adam hoped he would be able to find a way to stop his curse or something. I don't know how though, Seto is just some average, normal guy. We knew what would happen if he removes it. He would be a bigger weapon than all of us combined, turning everything he touched into gold, even people. Adam's eyes were filled with fear, remembering all the harm he had done. Tears bordered his eyes. We shielded around Adam, Sub in front, Jason and I beside him. I snatched my pocket knife out of my jeans and got prepared to defend. Their footsteps got louder, closer, until we could finally see them. We were prepared to attack, but Ian and Seto showed a look crossed between shock are terror frozen on their faces.

"Wh-what's g-going on...?" Asked a terrified Seto, as Ian was currently lost for words. 

"We know your secret, both of you. Ty here found out, so don't mess with us." Jerome spoke boldly with courage and lots of volume, his voice sounded threatening. Mitch thought the same, as he lookd up at his axe wielding friend and raised an eyebrow, but soon focused his attention back to the situation at hand. Ian and Seto glanced at each other, looking like they just got caught at a crime scene. Seto then closed his eyes for a split second, and Ian looked surprised, but nodded. 'What are they doing? Probably just some spy code.' I thought to myself. Jerome decided now as a good time to speak again. "Do not move. We want you to explain everything." His voice still boomed. Apparently that was a bad choice, because Ian and Seto began to run.

The chase was on. 

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