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It's almost Christmas...

You and Bucky found yourselves surrounded in the woods by hostile enemies. You could hear footsteps but saw no one. You knew you were being closed in on and there was nothing you could do about it. Bucky had your back as you both made your way behind a large rock for shelter and waited for instructions. You had no communications or air surveillance as Sam thought his skills were better suited for the ground on this mission, as you and Bucky got separated from your main group and were alone, stranded.

"I think we should wait here" you whispered while reaching for Bucky's weapons. 

You ran out of your ammunition and were looking to borrow his. 

"Hey, you should have taken more before we left" Bucky whispered while grabbing your hand. 

"I know, but I could only carry what I could as we were being ambushed" 

You looked up at him. 

He smiled down at you. 

"Wait, shh, don't move" Bucky scanned the woods. 

With his enhanced hearing, you could tell he was onto something as his face was scrunched up, and he was leaning to his right with his hands holding yours tightly. You could hear nothing but knew he had picked up on something.

"I think they are over there" Bucky pointed to a larger rock than the one you were both hiding behind. 

"Are you sure? You asked him suspiciously. 

"Positive" Bucky grabbed his weapons. 

"Stay here"

"No Bucky, I'm coming with you. If we get attacked, you need to have someone on your back and I can cover you."

"I mean it Livy, stay here. I can't afford to lose you, not out here" 

"Bucky, you knew the consequences when you joined me out here" 

You reached for his hand. 

"I know, but I'd rather have you safe than hurt" 

Bucky gave you a quick kiss. 

"What will the rest of the team think when they found out you abandoned me here" 

You looked at him innocently.

"Ah geez...Ok, fine, come on then. Over there is more shrub cover from that tree and it's elevated slightly. It should be enough to get us through" 

Bucky grabbed your hand. 

"I think one team is over behind that bigger rock and the other is making their way up here. They should be here within a few minutes by my calculations. Are you ready doll?" 

"I'm ready Bucky"

Just as the two of you ran out from your hiding spot, you tripped on a rock that was buried beneath the snow and were immediately ambushed. 

"Bucky, I've been hit" you fell to the ground. 

Bucky was already at the next hiding spot for the two of you when he turned around to see what had happened.

Just then you saw Steve and Sam appear from the right. 

"I got her" Sam said while holding a snowball in the air whooping in victory. 

"No, I think my snowball was the one that knocked her down" said Steve while helping you up. 

Just then, Bucky came out of his hiding spot and ambushed the two men causing them to fall and giggle from the barrage of snowballs. 

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