Chapter 19

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The sun entering the windows lit up the entire room, causing you to want to bury your face under the blankets. Bucky must have forgotten to close his blinds you thought to yourself as you silently cursed at the brightness. You looked over at Bucky who was fast asleep next to you. Apparently, bright morning sunlight was not a weakness for him you thought as you rolled over to face him.

You studied his face and noticed some freckles on his nose and left ear. You also noticed a few faint scars that were healed, obviously from his past. His face was also covered in a few days worth of stubble which would normally be a turn off, but on him, you absolutely adored it. You did have to have a conversation about it though because if it got any rougher, your face would be red and raw from all of his kisses.

You took in his mouth which was soft and pink and blushed at what else he could possibly do with it. Your eyes then went to his chest. You have felt that chest lots of times now and never really examined it up close. You noticed more scars and a few birthmarks then you looked at where his metal arm was fused to his skin.

You noticed the scars around it in what appears to be scratch marks and tissue damage, but they were faint. You couldn't even fathom having something like this attached to your own body. You never really noticed or made a big deal about his metal arm. It was obvious he had it. 

You tried not emphasizing that part of him as you knew he was a bit sensitive and ashamed of having it. You had always told him not to worry about it and to try to not let it get to him. You told him you think it's bad ass and that always made him smile but deep down you knew he hated it. But looking at the piece of engineering up close, it made everything real.

You have gotten to know Bucky over the past few months. You have only ever seen him as Bucky and not the Winter Soldier. The deadly assassin who has done some terrible things. It made you a little uneasy when he first arrived to be honest, but you didn't care. 

The man currently in bed with you sleeping soundly wasn't that man anymore. He may live with the trauma and distant memories of that part of his life, but you were determined from that day on, not to let his past determine his future. He was James Buchanan Barnes, and he was now in control of his own destiny. You just prayed that whatever he chose to do included you.

Bucky opened his eyes and gave you a smile. 

"Morning" he said while grabbing for your waist. 

"Morning Bucky, the sun woke me up" 

You snuggled into his neck. 

"I must have forgotten to close my blinds last night, I'm sorry Doll" 

Bucky gently rubbed your back. 

"That's ok" you caressed his arm. 

"When does everyone get back?" he asked while moving onto his back, stretching. 

"I think early this afternoon, but I am not exactly sure when" you rolled over onto your back copying what he just did. 

"Well, then, we have a bit of time before they get here" he turned over to face you. 

He had a mischievous look in his eye, and you knew exactly what he meant. 

"We sure do Sergeant" you looked over at him. 

In one swift movement, he grabbed you and pulled you on top of him, and you giggled like a fool while you swiftly put him inside you and rode him hard.

Both of you lay there in a heap after your newfound early morning exercise routine. 

"Ok, this time we should really get up and get going" 

You were trying to find your shirt. 

"Do we have to" Bucky moaned from underneath the covers. 

"I'm afraid so" 

You pulled on your top. 

"We have to get things looking in order so that when the rest of the team gets here, it doesn't look like we have been doing nothing for the entire week" you said now hunting for your bottoms. 

"Alright, fine" 

Bucky threw off the covers but remained where he was lying.

"You're beautiful Livy" 

You blushed a new shade of red and looked away. 

"What? What is it?" 

Bucky looked at you concerned. 

"Nothing Bucky" you stood at his door. 

"Haven't you ever been called beautiful before?" he asked while getting up. 

"No, I actually haven't Buck"

You wanted to run and hide. 

"Well, it's a shame because you're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen" 

he held onto your hips searching your eyes. 

"Thank you, Bucky,"

You gave him a big hug.

You wanted to melt away into a puddle of ice. Thinking back, you have had relationships and everything, but not once had you ever been called beautiful. Cute, sweet, hot, come to mind, but beautiful, not one of the men you have dated ever called you that. It scared you a little as you continued to think about it, so you just hung onto Bucky a little tighter. You finally let go of Bucky, heading across to your room for a shower.

After your shower, you grabbed a pair of shorts and Bucky's blue hoodie and went to the kitchen. Bucky went out for a run on one of the hiking paths as F.R.I.D.A.Y. told you, his location. You were hungry and wanted to tidy up quickly before anyone got there. 

After a quick tidy up and a snack, you received a message from Nat saying there were about an hour away. Bucky walked into the kitchen, walking up behind you, giving you a kiss on the cheek before looking in the fridge for a water. 

"They will be here in an hour" 

You sat down at the island. Bucky joined you.

"Bucky, what do we tell them?" you asked looking at him intently. 

"Tell them what?"

He looked at you while brushing a stray hair from your face. 

"Nothing" you looked down. 

"Ok. I'm going up for a shower"

He left you sitting at the table.

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