Chapter 4

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The next morning, you awoke to the sound of light rain rapping against the bedroom windows. You didn't mind being woken up by that as it was quite relaxing. You didn't have to be up super early today since everyone was going to be doing their own thing, so you got up, braided your long hair, and threw on your most basic of bathing suits. Of course, you had other ones that were more fun, but since you were doing laps, the two piece suits you had wouldn't cut it. You grabbed your towel and headed to the lap pool.

You seemed to be one of the only ones who used the lap pool, and you were totally fine with that. You got to the pool, threw your towel on a chair, put on your swimming music playlist, and started swimming. You had a good swim; it was nice to feel the water against your skin. You missed swimming over the past few weeks with the missions you were on and training you were doing so this felt nice. Once you were finished, you went upstairs to shower then headed down to the kitchen for a quick lunch.

That was all you had planned today anyways so you were glad to get it over with. You were going to throw on some laundry after lunch and catch up on some emails, so it was perfect. Nat had headed into the town for a few supplies and Wanda and Vision were spending the day in Bruce's lab as he was going over some new scanners and equipment, he recently received from Wakanda. Tony went into the city and Clint was heading back to the farm to see his family.

You secretly wanted to visit Wakanda as you had always heard the stories of the land, their fascinating technology, and lovely people. You had a few emails correspondence with Shuri over the past few months, mostly about missions and a few technical issues you needed her help with. She was always super nice and quite the firecracker.

Just then you got a text from Steve saying he and Sam had arrived. You were relieved to know they had made it back to the compound safe and sound. Usually, you left anyone alone who came back from a mission as they needed to unwind and decompress. Plus, they probably wanted a shower and quick nap before having to talk to anyone so you knew it would be a few hours before you would see both.

You had in your ear buds and was making your way to the laundry room to throw on the last load of your laundry. You guess you were too busy to notice the ding of the elevator and footsteps in the hallway. You emerged from the laundry room with your freshly cleaned clothes while the last load was washing. You happened to have your back to your door folding your clothes when you noticed a head sticking out of the door of the empty room across the hall. You nearly screamed when you realized it was none other than Steve.

"Steve!!" you yelled as you ran across the hall to give him a big hug. 

You removed your ear buds and smiled at him. 

"Hey Livy, good to see you" he returned your hug. 

You asked him how things went, and he was smiling from ear to ear. 

"That good, eh?"

"That good!" he smiled. 

You motioned him to join you in your room to discuss the mission, but you realized he wasn't alone. You had thought Sam was with him but quickly realized why would Sam be with him in the empty room in your hall. 

You looked in the room and saw a man standing there. A man you had never seen before. 

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