Chapter 23

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There was a certain energy happening at the compound with this party. Trucks were delivering tables and chairs, along with food and snacks. You even saw some Halloween decorations and arrangements being brought in along with the alcohol.

You grabbed your garment bag and told Nat she could come by your room before the party and try to do something with your hair and makeup. You literally had no idea what to do with your hair and needed all the help you could get. Wanda was also coming by to help. Lucky for her, you thought, she got the 80's and didn't have to do a whole lot with her look. Just put her teased hair up and to the side and wear some blue eyeshadow and pink blush.

When you arrived back at your room, you noticed the door to Bucky's room was open, so you popped your head in and took a quick look around. He wasn't there. You figured he was with Steve and Sam getting ready, so you left it alone. Since his brief text message to you in the shop, you figured he was not happy about this party and didn't want anything to do with it. 

Tough, he's going to have to learn to deal with it.

Nat and Wanda came by about an hour later, and not only did they bring makeup and hair accessories, but they also brought a bottle of wine, which was greatly appreciated. You squashed the urge to laugh at Wanda in her neon spandex and hoop earrings. Nat looked like she belonged on the streets with her ripped jeans and grunge look. You weren't planning on getting wasted at this party, so you wanted to pace yourself throughout the night.

"Oh my gosh Livy, this dress is really pretty" Wanda ran the fabric through her fingers. 

"I really like the colour. The colour matches a certain someone's eyes" Wanda winked at you from above her wine glass. Her and Nat were giggling but you didn't find it amusing. 

"Very funny" you said while sitting down on your chair. 

"Can one of you please help me do something with this hair?" you asked annoyed while grabbing a hold of your wine glass. 

"We'll make you look amazing Livy; don't you worry." Nat smiled.

About an hour later, the bottle of wine was now finished, the three of you looking in your mirror at your final looks. 

"Not bad guys" you turned around. 

"Yeah, we look amazing" Wanda giggled. 

You're pretty sure Wanda finished the wine bottle herself so once she got to the party, she would be Vision's problem. 

"Ok then, let's head down to the party" Nat grabbed both yours and Wanda's hands.

You always hated going into one of the parties at the compound. The main entrance of the room was on the second floor, causing you to have to walk down a staircase to the main level, like making a grand entrance. You hated that, but that was Tony for you. He always liked being the centre of attention but not you. You excused yourself from Nat and Wanda as you were going to get into the party from one of the back staircases from behind the main entrance. That way, you could slip into the room without putting yourself on display. Plus, you were wearing some heels and had some wine, so you didn't really feel like stumbling down the staircase for everyone to laugh at.

When you made your way to the back staircase, you could hear the music before seeing it. It was a little loud and you knew there were lots of people already there. When you entered the room, you saw everyone in their costumes, with their drinks in hand. Tony outdid himself in the decorations. Pumpkins, ghosts, witches, you name it, they were all over the room. Balloons, streamers, and even a photo booth were set up for people to take silly photos in. Even the servers were dressed in costumes.

You spotted Nat and Wanda making their way down the main staircase causing everyone to stop and stare at them. You were glad you weren't part of that spectacle, so you hit up the bar for a drink. 

"Livy!" you heard a familiar voice behind you and an arm drape across your shoulders. 

"Hi Sam" you turned around to see him. 

Sam got the 70's and it took every ounce of you not to snort out your drink because he was in purple bell bottoms with black platform shoes, and a black button-down shiny blouse that opened to his navel. He even had a gold peace necklace around his neck to complete the look. 

"Holy cow Sam, you look great!" was all you could say before he removed his hand from your shoulders.

Behind Sam was Clint in his 60's attire. Like Sam, he was wearing brown bell bottoms with a blue polyester shirt. He wasn't impressed and wanted to leave. Just then, Bruce came by wearing overalls and a long-sleeved polo shirt as he also got, the 90's like Nat. 

"Hey Bruce"

"This party isn't that bad" he said while sipping his drink. 

"You look great Livy" he caught the look of another SHIELD scientist he wanted to talk to. 

"Thanks Bruce" as he waked away from you.

You were just about to join Nat, Wanda, and Vision when you spotted Tony and Pepper. Tony and Pepper both had the 50's. Tony was dressed like the Fonz and Pepper was in a white poodle skirt complete with Mary Janes and a pink sweater. Their looks totally suited them. They were busy talking to a group of people you didn't recognize but Pepper smiled and waved at you.

When you made your way to your group, you hadn't noticed Steve or Bucky around. You were trying to scan the room without looking like you were obvious but couldn't spot them. 

"I am not sure how men of the 80's worked out effectively in these, what are they called Wanda, track suits?" Vision said looking confused at his attire. 

"You look good Vision" you gave him a soft smile. 

"Thank you" he then walked away.

A few minutes had passed when a familiar arm came around your shoulder and whispered in your ear. 

"You look amazing, prettiest dame at the joint" Steve twirled you around. 

"Thanks Steve" you caught a glimpse of his attire. 

He had on shiny black shoes, black suit pants with a crisp crease down the centre of them, black suspenders, a crisp white shirt with the arms rolled up past his elbows, and a black fedora. You had to admit, he looked very handsome and dashing. There was already a small crowd of ladies gathering around Steve in the hopes he would give them some of his time and attention, you just rolled your eyes at them. Steve was indeed handsome, kind, caring, the entire package really, but the man was completely clueless when it came to females.

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