Chapter 6

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You made your way up to your room, you noticed Bucky's door was open. You knocked first before sticking your head in to see if he needed anything else. He was sitting on his bed looking at the new phone Steve had got him. He seemed a bit confused by it but looked up when he saw you and smiled. 

"Hey, was wondering if you need anything else for the room for your first night here?" you asked. 

He looked around. 

"No, I think it will be good" he smiled at you. 

You noticed the sheets you gave him earlier were still folded on the bed, so you offered to help make it. 

"Thanks that would be great"

You began unfolding the sheets to find the bottom fitted sheet. Because the bed was king sized, you sometimes struggled with getting the sheets to fit properly. Bucky saw this and offered a hand. 

"Here, let me help you" 

He watched you flail around like a drowning chicken. 

"Thanks" you blushed. 

He managed to get the top of the bed sheets on, and you did the bottom of the bed. Next came the top sheet.

"Do you like your sheets tucked in?" you asked him. 

He stood there for a moment and thought about the question. 

"I don't really mind either way."

"Well, let's start by tucking them in, and if you don't like that when you get into bed to sleep, then untuck them and sleep freely. I always tuck in my sheets when I sleep – I can't seem to sleep in a bed that is unmade - drives me nutty. Plus, I always have been afraid of getting grabbed by a possible monster hiding under the bed so having sheets tucked in totally helps in this situation." 

He laughed at that. 

"Not that we have monsters under the beds here, but you can never be too careful" you teased. 

He smiled up at you and for a second, your knees felt weak. 

This man had a dangerous smile.

"Oh, I am sure Steve totally forgot to tell you about the shower"

He thought for a minute "No, why, what's wrong with the shower?" he asked with a slight look of concern on his face. 

"Oh nothing, it's great. Just the fact that there are a few knobs and levers in there that can be confusing to people when they first get in and no one wants to be standing naked and cold in their shower trying to figure out how to work the silly thing"

He let out a chuckle and that made you smile. 

"Here let me show you" 

You grabbed his hand and took him to the bathroom. Opening the glass door, you showed him what you were talking about.

"This knob controls the rain head shower here which is my personal favourite. This knob controls the hot and cold-water temperature. This knob here controls the other two nozzles here but be careful, these two jets can be quite strong. I guess they are made for people who are extra dirty or something because they will take your skin off if you're not careful. I think my skin is still recovering from the first time I made that mistake" while you were rubbing your stomach. 

He laughed at that.

Steve's stories of Bucky were always ones that involved him being a good friend to him, ones that were caring and kind, but also protective. Steve was quite scrawny prior to his super soldier transformation, and he always admired Bucky for being his friend through thick and thin. 

Steve also said that Bucky was quite the ladies' man back then, and you could see it. Underneath the hat that hid his chiseled face, there was that mischievous grin and beautiful eyes that you are sure caught the attention of a few ladies back in the day.

The two of you stood there jammed in the shower for what felt like an awkward minute then you turned around and left the room feeling a bit flush as you could feel the heat radiating from him, he was staring at you, almost waiting for you to speak longer you assumed.

"Oh, tomorrow I can show you around some more if you would like" 

He followed you back into the room. 

"I always like knowing what's going on and where things are when I am at a new place I have never been before, so I am not wandering around totally lost and looking like I don't belong. Wait, not that you do or are, that's not what I meant, what I meant to say" You were blabbering trying to find the right words.

"Never mind". 

Ugh, why am I word vomiting all over the place.

"I can show you around if you like, just let me know." . 

"I'd like that" he replied and smiled.

 You smiled at him and said if he needed anything else to just ask as you left his room. You walked back to your room, closed the door, and collapsed on your bed in a heap of embarrassment. 

Smooth, real smooth Livy. 

Why has this man caused you to turn into a blabbering fool suddenly?

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