Chapter 17

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The next few days were quiet around the compound. You and Bucky were into a routine with each other. Most days you both did your own thing in the morning, met up for lunch. And in the afternoon, you would head to the communications room to see about any updates. Bucky would head to his room and relax. 

You would have dinner together, and usually watch some TV or a movie, then at night, he would slip into your room, and you would talk and snuggle with each other. Occasionally a passionate make out session would break out, but nothing more than that. Things were light between you with just the right amount of passion. You were still exploring yourselves and Bucky was still figuring out who he was, so you didn't want to push anything you weren't comfortable in doing.

You noticed his nightmares were getting better and not happening as consistent as what they were when he first arrived, so you were happy about that. Sometimes he told you about them and sometimes he didn't. When he didn't, you could only imagine how bad they were. The nightmares he did tell you about, were indeed nightmares. You always had a blank stare at him when he told you, and you were careful not to react to them too badly because you wanted to be there for him and not judge him for his past.

Since your ankle was healing, you were able to get out more and more. The team was set to come back either the next day or day after that so you knew you and Bucky would have to figure out what you were going to tell them if anything at all.

At lunch, you told Bucky you wanted to head out and pick up a few groceries. He offered to come with you, but you insisted he stay behind and relax. 

"I'll be fine Buck" you assured him, grabbing your list and wallet. 

"If you need anything just let me know" 

You knew he was concerned for your ankle, but you assured him you would be fine. You were down to a slight limp as you walked, but the swelling was gone, and the top of your foot wasn't the colour of crushed red grapes anymore. 

You grabbed your keys and headed to the garage.

It felt good being able to get out of the compound. You missed getting groceries and being able to shop for a few things. You haven't done that in forever, so you made a mental note to have a shopping day with Nat and Wanda when they were back.

"Just checking to see if you are good" was the text message you received from Bucky as you were entering the store. 

"I just got to the store, I am fine Buck, trust me" was your reply. 

All you received back was an unsure smiley face. You rolled your eyes and proceeded to shop.

You got what you needed and headed towards your car. The sun was out, and you could only imagine that this was going to be one of the last nice days you were going to have before the weather was going to turn cold. You walked down the sidewalk and noticed a small boutique filled with children's toys and games. You noticed something in the window that caught your eye and decided to go in. After making your purchase, you headed back to the compound.

When you arrived, you put away the groceries and supplies, and went up to your room. You asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. where Bucky was, to which she replied, "Sergeant Barnes is in his quarters". 

He must have heard you coming down the hall as he stuck out his head and smiled. 

"Hey!" you came into his room. 

"Took you long enough" 

He gave you a hug and kissed your cheek. 

You rolled you eyes at him.

"I got something for you" as you held your right hand behind your back.

"Oh? I wasn't aware I had anything on your list I needed" 

A New StartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin