Friend or Foe?

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Kirby was sitting a near the ocean at the beach thinking about his deceased friend...robot dog...until he heard his name be called out in the distance, he turns around to find Tiff franticly looking around for him. If Kirby hadn't made the attempt of getting up and stepping on stick then Tiff wouldn't have noticed him "Kirby! There you are! I've been looking all over for you!", the response she got was an awkward fake smile as he took a step back "Sorry..." he apologized softly. Tiff shook her in distress "No Kirby! You don't need to apologize! I know you're not actually happy to see don't have to pretend anymore..." Tiff said, Kirby's fake smile slowly turned to genuine frown with a mix of sadness and fear "Actually Kirby...I came to apologize to you...I finally understand why you wouldn't be able to trust me as much as before..." Tiff continued. Kirby doesn't respond, but his expression was now a mixture of sadness and fascination "Kirby...I am so sorry for the times I almost got you killed! I guess I wasn't thinking about how you felt during those times nor thinking straight...I never meant it like you couldn't have a say nor a vote...I guess it was like I was determined and hoping for you to defeat the enemies. I was wrong of me to put you in the spotlight without your was also wrong of me for not giving you a chance to tell your side of the story a few times...I hope you can forgive me...if you don't then I will understand and accept it" Tiff apologized. Kirby looked down to the ground possibly thinking about what she had said, it's true Tiff herself has put his life in danger a few times, but she wasn't a monster nor a fake friend...she protected him when she could, she stood up for him, taught him things he didn't know, warned him about the danger coming to either him or Cappy Town, told him what to do in dangerous situations, and etc. Meta Knight said it himself that someone who truly loves Kirby will be able to summon to the warp star...and that someone is Tiff. Plus she came all the way out here to find and apologize to him without him saying anything. Kirby looked back up at Tiff "I...I...I forgive you..." Kirby said, Tiff was surprised, but was relieved to know that Kirby forgives her, but knew that she shouldn't get her hopes up because what if Kirby didn't want to be her friend anymore? "Can we still be friends?" Tiff asked nervously, the response she got was a nod and a smile which made Tiff go and hug Kirby in happiness and relieve "Oh Kirby...thank you for giving me a second chance! I promise to stay by your side for now on. I promise." Tiff claims, Kirby doesn't respond back, but returns the hug. "So...uh...hungry?" Tiff asked, Kirby nods which made Tiff giggle a bit "Come on! I'll make you all the pancakes you want!" Tiff said "Yay!" Kirby shouted jumping for joy as the started headed back to Cappy Town to Castle Dedede.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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