Just another day...

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Kirby wakes up to another day outside of Cappy Town, but this time he wasn't happy about starting the day. Kirby been having nightmares about the monsters he fought, he been having nightmares about the times he almost died, and he been having nightmares about Cappy Town blaming him for things. While these nightmares were horrible, but that actually got Kirby thinking...what did the people of Cappy Town really think of him? They've haven't always had his back and there were times they would blame him for something King Dedede did or said about Kirby. It would make since because the Cappies aren't super loyal to each other, though there are times it's because of King Dedede. Kirby can't really say Meta Knight been for him when it came to fighting monsters, King Dedede, Escargoon, and Nightmare. Meta Knight only came to give him the copy ability he needs, to tell everyone what copy ability he got, and maybe some advice. Meta Knight had only given him verbal support, but not physical, emotional, and mental support. It's times like this that makes him wonder, if everyone sees him as a friend or a hero? Or better yet a person(puff ball) or a tool? Do they think so little of him? Do they think he's rubbing it in their face that he's powerful? Are they jealous of him? Do they hate him? Do they even want him here? Do they even care about him? Tiff had his back more than Tuff ever has, but there were times that she almost got him killed by claiming HE won't stand down nor is afraid when it came to enemies and the enemies would go after him to see if she's right. There were times she didn't give Kirby the benefit of the doubt. Tuff had his back to, but not only has he disregarded his feelings a few times, but he also took the side of the Cappies when it came to King Dedede trying to get Kirby in trouble a few times to. Kirby been walking into Cappy Town while thinking through what's been going on before he defeated Nightmare "Hey Kirby! I just made a new recipe! Wanna try it?" Kawasaki asked out loud, Kirby looked up at Kawasaki and shook his head on response much to Kawasaki's shock as Kirby never turned down food.

I wish you'd stop lying to me...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt