Chapter 21

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Marinette's P.O.V:

I sat on my bed and watched the sun slowly go down. How many days had passed? Adrien had left my side to go and work on some things. Something was off. I felt it. This war wasn't over. I went up to the window and placed my hand on it. I grabbed a side of it and the window opened. I took a deep breath and inhaled the fresh air in. It felt nice. I wanted to leave. But something told me that I was a prisoner. I looked around and headed to the bathroom, there was a bathtub in there so I turned it on. I then went into the closet and tied a couple of the dresses together to make a rope. Something told me I needed to leave. And asking Adrien wasn't gonna help. I tied the rope to the bed and made sure it wouldn't slip. I then started climbing. I was on the second floor of what seemed to be an abandoned house near the sen of Parris. I climbed out and reached the ground. It seemed to be an alleyway. I then wanted to run until I felt my stomach ache. Right. I had gotten cataclysm in the stomach. I walked away at a little faster speed. I reached somewhere until I decided what I was going to do. I could go out and find Alya. Or go to my parent's home. I didn't even know what had happened. He wouldn't tell me anything. I decided to go somewhere where there was a tv. And figure out what had happened.

" Breaking News from Naudia Shamok," The tv announced.

" We still have no updates on what is going on with the superheroes and Shadowmoth, there has been no sign of Shadowmoth and he is still on the loose if you have any clue where he might be please alert the nearest cop," Naudia said.

WAIT WHAT? Shadowmoth was still on the LOOSE? Cat Noir lied to me.

" We have no idea what is going on but as far as we know our superheroes are very upset," Naudia said. Upset?

" We have an interview with Riana Rouge regarding what had happened," Naudia said. I leaned in closer on the big screen. It was time for me to get some answers.

" Welcome Rina," Naudia said.

" Hello Naudia," Rina said.

" So I would think you would be busy but something seems to be bugging you," Naudia said. 

" Does it have anything to do with what happened on Wednesday Night," Naudia asked?

" Yes it's Ladybug," Rina said her eyes getting very droopy.

" What about her," Naudia said.

" She went missing and now she's dead," Rina said looking at the ground. Me dead? What? I was standing listening to all of this alive.

" She is dead," Naudia asked shocked. She then faded out of the video.

"This is disparaging news for all of Paris! Our beloved superhero, Ladybug was killed for unknown reasons lets listen to the rest," Naudia said.

" She was violently killed by Volpina who now has also gone missing," Rina said breaking into tears. WHAT WAS GOING ON? I wasn't dead. ALYA! I put my nose to the screen. And that's when I saw Viperion and Carapace standing behind her while a Cat Noir faded from the background. Was taken at 9:20 AM on FRIDAY? I have been in there for 2 days. Cat Noir was with me. But that's when a horrendous thought came into my mind. The person I confessed my indefinite love to wasn't Cat Noir. He was Cat Blanc.

Cat Blanc (looking like Adrien) P.O.V (During the whole Marinette escaping thing):

I woke up in the morning and there were no nightmares. I look beside myself and see Marinette still asleep. I wanted to wake her up and kiss her. But I couldn't bring myself to do so. I got up and made breakfast for her and left a little note.

Good Morning Bugaboo,

I have something I have to do. I will see you at lunch.

I then left the room slowly making sure not to wake her up. I closed the door and headed towards my operation center. Just because I made Marinette's room look all pretty and pink doesn't mean the rest of the apartment looks the same. I headed downstairs and turned on the tv. I watched to see what news was going on and Rina Rouge's pathetic interview. I have had enough. I then head to work. Making sure my portal device was working correctly and if it was ready to be used when my plan commences. Though the succession of the plan depended on Marinette's trust. I tested the portal and it worked. I had missed lunch though. I headed in to check for Marinette and that's when I felt like I had a heart attack. The window was open and Marinette was gone. I heard the shower running so I ran in.

" MARINETTE," I screamed. I reached the shower and pulled the curtain to find no one inside. I started running. I then reached the window.

"PLAG CLAWS OUT," I screamed. I jumped out the window and hid in the ally.

" Plag claws in," I said in a quiet voice. I then pulled the hood I was wearing over my head and started walking down the street. And only one thought formed in my brain, I need to find Marinette.

Marinette's P.O.V:
Oh, what was I to do? I couldn't go to the bakery, my parents must already know I am Ladybug by now and that I am dead. I wonder if Alya gave everyone my letter or had forgotten to do so. And I missed tiki. I had not seen her since this mess began. I should have listened to her. The first time. I never should have left and gone outside in the first place. Marinette think! I could not go back to Cat Blanc he would just smother me and who knows what that madman's plans are. I could go after Rina but without a miraculous I was hopeless. WAIT! THE MIRACLE BOX! It was still at my house. But how would I get in without going through the front door? The secret way! My house had a staircase that led to the top floor which was hidden. It was more like a fire exit/ entrance but I could use it. I could climb in and grab a miracle. But how do I know I won't have "Guests" over? What if Alya is there? Or Viperion, or the real Cat Noir? Or what if the miracle box isn't there? What if someone took it or stole it? So many questions about what was happening and what I should do went through my head. I had to do something. But what? Waiting wasn't a plan. Wait! What miraculous would I even take? The mouse? The bee? The horse? YES! I could take the horse miraculous and teleport to Rina. Somehow? I could merge miraculouses! The horse and....... Okay, this is hard! OH I KNOW! The dragon. It could help. Okay, that could work... K lets um do it. I started walking towards my house. It took 20 min but Im here! Okay! Let's go in.

About 15 min later....

OMG. I am finally here. I quickly headed to my drawer and pulled out the miracle box. I grabbed the horse miraculous and the dragon Necklace.

" Kaalki, Longg Unify," I said. The two miraculous combined and I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked so different. My hair was done in a braid with part of my hair down. My hair was a mix of blue and red. My suit was a mix of Ryuko and Pegabugs costumes. I barely looked like myself. I couldn't really tell them apart. I grabbed my sword and launched myself outside. I was still cataclysmed in the ribs but with the miraculous protection, I was doing better. Now to figure out what the heck I was gonna do.     

A/N: Hi Guys! Welcome to Chapter 21 of Maybe I'm Scared! I absolutely love this fanfiction and decided that you guys deserve to have a new chapter since we just hit #184 in Dramatic! And we are SO close to 600 views! Which is just mind blowing! I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter and I promise the next one, oh its gonna be something amazing. Btw I am currently at 1421 words!   

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